Durusul Lughah Book 1 Ch. 7 | tilka | تلك

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Let's continue studying chapter 7.

In this chapter, you will learn the demonstrative pronoun tilka (تِلْكَ).


demonstrative pronoun in arabic = tilka تلك


Please read the text below


1 arabic text in durus al lughah volume 1 lesson 7

مَنْ هَذِهِ؟ = who is this.
هَذِهِ آمِنَةُ = this is Aminah.

hadhihi is demonstrative pronoun for pointing a singular feminine noun and near distance.

Because آمِنَةُ is singular feminine, so we have to use هَذِهِ

وَمَنْ تِلْكَ؟ = and who is that?
تِلْكَ فَاطِمَةُ = that is Fatimah.

tilka is demonstrative pronoun for pointing a singular feminine noun and far distance. In English, we say "that" for tilka.

هَذِهِ طَبِيْبَةٌ وَتِلْكَ مُمَرِّضَةٌ = this is a doctor and that is a nurse.

طَبِيْبَةٌ is singular feminine, the indication of the feminine is => it has ta marbutah "ة" ending.

مُمَرِّضَةٌ is also singular feminine with the same indication.

The singular masculine form of طَبِيْبَةٌ  is => طَبِيْبٌ

The singular masculine form of مُمَرِّضَةٌ is => مُمَرِّضٌ

هَذِهِ مِنَ الهِنْدِ وَتِلْكَ مِنَ اليَبَانِ = this is from India and that is from Japan.

هَذِهِ طَوِيْلَةٌ وَتِلْكَ قَصِيْرَةٌ = this is tall and that is short.

The masculine form of طَوِيْلَةٌ  is طَوِيْلٌ

The masculine form of قَصِيْرَةٌ is قَصِيْرٌ

2- arabic text in durusul lughah al arabiyyah vol 1 chapter 7

مَنْ هَذَ؟ = who is this?
هَذَا حَامِدٌ = this is hamid.

هَذَا is demonstrative pronoun for pointing singular masculine noun and near distance.

وَمَنْ ذَلِكَ؟ = and who is that?
ذَلِكَ عَلِيٌّ = that is Ali.

ذَلِكَ (dhalika) is demonstrative pronoun for pointing singular masculine noun and far distance. In English, we say "that".

أَتِلْكَ دَجَاجَةٌ؟  = is that a hen?
لاَ, تِلْكَ بَطَّةٌ = no, that is a duck.

أ is hamzah istifham. It is used to ask yes/no question.

The answer can be yes "نَعَمْ" or no "لاَ"

مَا تِلْكَ؟ = what is that?
تِلْكَ بَيْضَةٌ = that is an egg

مَا is ma istifhamiyyah. It is used to ask a question. In English, we say it "what".

lesson 7 durusul lughah book 1 : tilka تلك

هَذهِ سَيَّارَةُ المَدَرِّسِ = this is the teacher's car.
وَتِلْكَ سَيَّارَةُ المُدِيْرِ = and that is the headmaster's car.

سَيَّارَةُ المَدَرِّسِ is mudaf-mudaf ilaih form.

سَيَّارَةُ المُدِيْرِ is also idafah (mudaf mudaf ilaih) form.

We've discussed idafah form. You should review back to get more understanding about idafah/mudaf mudaf ilaih.

Read here

Mudaf and mudaf ilaih lesson from durusul lughah book 1

Idafah structure, rules, and examples 

Examples of mudaf and mudaf ilaihi in al-Quran


أَسَاعَةُ عَبَّاسٍ هَذِهِ؟ = is this Abbas' watch?

لاَ, هَذِهِ سَاعَةُ حَامِدٍ, تِلْكَ سَاعَةُ عَبَّاسٍ = no, this is Hamid's watch, that is Abbas' watch.

ذَلِكَ دِيْكٌ وَتِلْكَ دَجَاجَةٌ = that is a rooster, and that is a hen.

From the text above, we learn the following things:

1. هَذَا = demonstrative pronoun to point a singular masculine noun for near distance. The meaning is this.


هَذَا أَحْمَدُ = this is Ahmad.

هَذَا قَلَمٌ  = this is a pen.

هَذَا طَبِيْبٌ = this is a doctor.

2. هَذِهِ = demonstrative pronoun to point a singular feminine noun for near distance. The meaning is this.


هَذِهِ مَرْيَمُ = this is Maryam.

هَذِهِ سَاعَةٌ = this is a watch.

هَذِهِ طَبِيْبَةٌ = this is a doctor.

3. ذَلِكَ = demonstrative pronoun to point singular masculine noun for far distance. The meaning is that.


ذَلِكَ كِتَابٌ = that is a book.

4. تِلْكَ = demonstrative pronoun to point singular feminine noun for far distance. The meaning is that.

تِلْكَ طَالِبَةٌ = that is a student.


Summary in Picture

lesson summary durusul lughah book 1 lesson 7


Read the previous lesson here: chapter 6 | feminine noun in Arabic | هذه 

Do you want to continue the lesson? do some exercises chapter 7, then we continue to study chapter 8.