Tilka - Durusul lughah vol 1 lesson 7

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I have summarized and made a short note lesson 7 from Durus al-lughah volume 1.

Thing that we learn is تِلْكَ  (tilka) and memorize some feminine nouns.

Observe the picture below!

tilka means that - feminine of dhalika - lesson 7 durus al-lughah vol.1

The subject that we learn from the image above:

1. تِلْكَ (tilka) is feminine of ذَلِكَ (dhalika).

2. تِلْكَ (tilka) means "that"


This is Aminah and that is Fatimah, in Arabic => هَذِهِ آمِنَةُ وَتِلْكَ فَاطِمَةُ

3. Demonstrative pronoun (near and single) = this is

Masculine = هَذَا
Feminine = هَذِهِ

Demonstrative pronoun (far and single) = that is

Masculine = ذَلِكَ
Feminine = تِلْكَ

Recap for demonstrative pronoun in Arabic

New vocabulary

- مُمَرِّضٌ  = nurse

- مُمَرِّضَةٌ  = nurse (female nurse).

- دِيكٌ = rooster

- دَجَاجَةٌ  = hen

- بَطَّةٌ = duck

- بَيْضَةٌ = an egg