Feminine of noun and adjective - Durusul lughah vol 1 lesson 6

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Kitab Durus Al-Lughah Al-Arabiyyah volume 1, lesson 6.

Subject to learn :

1. Isim Isharah (demonstrative pronoun), especially for feminine noun single.

2. Feminine of noun in Arabic

3. Feminine of adjective in Arabic.

Observe the picture below!

rules noun and adjective for feminine in Arabic

The things that we learn from the image above:

1. هَذِهِ = hadhihi

- هَذِهِ is feminine of هَذَا

- If the noun is feminine, the demonstrative pronoun must be feminine.


- daughter => in arabic => بِنْتٌ

- بِنْتٌ  is feminine noun.

- So, if you want to say this is a daughter in Arabic, you must use هَذِهِ  instead of  هَذَا

- This is a daughter = هَذِهِ  بِنْتٌ   (hadhihi bintun).

2. Adjectives and nouns masculine to feminine in Arabic

Commonly, nouns and adjectives are made feminine by adding ta marbutah (  ة ) at the end of the word. The last letter before ة  takes a fathah.


- male engineer = مُهِنْدِسٌ  (muhandis)

- female engineer = مُهَنْدِسَةٌ  (muhandisah)

- new (adjective for masculine noun) => جَدِيْدٌ

- new (adjective for feminine noun) => جَدِيْدَةٌ

3. Noun and adjective have an agreement, if noun is masculine the adjective is also masculine, if noun is feminine the adjective is also feminine.


- مُهِنْدِسٌ جَدِيْدٌ  = new engineer (male engineer).

- مُهَنْدِسَةٌ جَدِيْدَةٌ = new engineer (female engineer).

- بَيْتٌ جَمِيْلٌ  = beautiful house.

- سَيَّارَةٌ جَمِيْلَةٌ  = beautiful car.

4. لِ  is harf or preposition meaning => for; belongs to.

لِمَنْ  (liman) means belonging to whom or whose.


- لِمَنْ هَذِهِ ؟  (liman hadhihi?) , means => Whose is this?

- هَذِهِ لِخَالِدٍ  (hadhihi likhaalidin),  means => This belongs to Khaalid (or This is for Khaalid).

5. Double members of body are feminine whereas single members are masculine.


- hand = يَدٌ

- eye = عَيْنٌ

- ear = أُذُنٌ


- head = رَأْسٌ

- nose = أَنْفٌ

- mouth = فَمٌ

This is eye = هَذِهِ عَيْنٌ

This is nose = هَذَا أَنْفٌ

New vocabulary

- مِكْوَةٌ   = iron (for ironing).

- دَرَّاجَةٌ  = bicycle.

- مِلْعَقَةٌ  = spoon

- قِدْرٌ  = cooking pot => this is feminine noun

- أَيْضًا  = also

- جِدًّ  = very