Learning Arabic Language Free

The Fundamentals of Arabic Vocabulary: Word Grammatical Categories in Arabic

Before delving into the science of nahwu and sharaf, it is essential to understand the types of word

From Ambiguity to Clarity: The Power of Nahwu in Arabic Sentence Structure

The essence of ilm nahwu  The essence of nahwu is how do you know the condition of the harakat on the

Case Ending in Arabic: Introduction to I'raab | إعراب

Introduction The end-case analysis of Arabic sentences is studied when you learn Arabic Grammar. This

School Related Vocabulary: Sentence Examples in Arabic with English Meaning

Here are the list of nouns that are related to school - مَدْرَسَةٌ : school. The plural form of  مَدْر

Learn New Arabic Words from the story: Traffic Light

Short story about traffic light in Arabic with English meaning إِشَارَةُ المُرُورِ Traffic light فِي ال

Learn Arabic from short story: My uncle's visit | زيارة عمّي

Learning Arabic is fun but can be hard. This article will help you learn Arabic. I'll show you a

Learn Arabic From Short Story: Cleaning a House | تَنْظِيْفُ المَنْزِلِ

Today, we'll learn Arabic using the story of Ahmad and Zaid, two brothers helping their mom with

Learn Arabic from Short Story: In the Home Garden | فِي فِنَاءِ البَيْتِ

Today's lesson is "Learn Arabic through Short Story: فِي فِنَاءِ البَيْتِ". This lesson

Arabic Words for Family Members: Nouns & Verbs With Sentence Examples

List of family members words (Arabic and English) أُسْرَةٌ (usratun): family أُمٌّ (ummun): mother أَبٌ

5 Sentences About Car in Arabic

Are you ready to take your Arabic language skills to the next level? Let's put your vocabulary k