Learn Nakirah and Ma'rifah in Arabic: The Meaning and Examples

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Today, we learn the basic type of noun in Arabic, they are nakirah (نكرة) and ma'rifah (معرفة). 

learn nakira and ma'rifa

We will study from Durusul Lughah al-arabiyya book 1 chapter 3.

The specific lesson we learn: 

شَرْحُ مَعْنَى لاَمِ التَّعْرِيْفِ, وَمَا يَتَرَتَّبُ عَلَى دُخُولِهَا عَلَى الاِسْمِ مِنْ تَغَيُّرٍ

Explanation of the meaning of the definite article and the changes that occur when it is inserted into a noun. 

Then explanation the consequence of inserting the definite article into a noun, which turns an indefinite noun into a definite noun.

The goal 

After you study this lesson, you will understand what is definite article in Arabic, how to change indefinite noun to definite noun, and know the form of definite noun and indefinite noun in Arabic.

The terms

In this lesson, the following terms are introduced:

- لاَمُ التَّعْرِيْفِ (lam at-ta'riif).

It is definite article.  Definite article "ال" corresponds to the English "the".

-  النَّكِرَةُ (an-nakirah).

An-nakirah corresponds to the English "indefinite noun".

- المَعْرِفَةُ (al-ma'rifah).

al-ma'rifah corresponds to the English "definite noun".

Durusul Lughah book volume 1 chapter 3

Let' see the Arabic text in durusul lughah book 1 chapter 3.

ism nakirah and ism ma'rifah form in Arabic

These are the texts:

بَيْتٌ: البَيْتُ
قَلَمٌ: القَلَمُ
كِتَابٌ: الكِتَابُ
جَمَلٌ: الجَمَلُ

baytun : al-baytu
qalamun: al-qalamu
kitaabun: al-kitaabu
jamalun: al-jamalu

Did you notice the pattern?

Below is the pattern.

ism nakirah (indefinite noun) and ism ma'rifah (definite noun) examples

Yellow sign

بَيْتٌ, قَلَمٌ, كِتَابٌ, جَمَلٌ (baytun, qalamun, kitaabun, jamalun)

These nouns have tanwiin at the end.

Blue sign

- The definite article "ال" is prefixed to each noun. 

This causes tanwiin at the end is dropped.

So, بَيْتٌ (baytun) becomes البَيْتُ (al-baytu), قَلَمٌ (qalamun) becomes القَلَمُ (al-qalamu), كِتَابٌ (kitaabun) becomes الكِتَابُ (al-kitaabu), جَمَلٌ (jamalun) becomes الجَمَلُ (al-jamalu).

Pay close attention to this summary below.

بَيْتٌ, قَلَمٌ, كِتَابٌ, جَمَلٌ (baytun, qalamun, kitaabun, jamalun) have tanwiin at the end. The noun that has tanwiin at the end is called indefinite noun. In Arabic, it is called النَّكِرَةُ (an-nakirah).

البَيْتُ, القَلَمُ, الكِتَابُ, الجَمَلُ (al-baytu, al-qalamu, al-kitaabu, al-jamalu) are inserted by definite article "ال" then the tanwiin at the end are dropped. This form of noun is called definite noun. In Arabic, it is called المَعْرِفَةُ (al-ma'rifah).

learn nakira and marifa in arabic and the meaning in english

From the two images above, we can recognize that:

1. Indefinite article is tanwiin.

2. Definite article is "ال" (lamut ta'riif).

Now, you've already got the idea how to change ism nakira (indefinite noun) to ism marifa (definite noun). 

Let me recap.

There are two steps to change indefinite noun (ism nakira):

1. Insert lam at-tarif (definite article) "ال" to the beginning of an indefinite noun.

2. Drop the tanwin.

Definite article additional notes

1. Definite article in English: the.
Definite article in Arabic: ال

2. A definite article is used to refer a specific noun or particular noun.


I saw the dog in the park.

In this sentence, "the" refers to a particular dog.

رَأَيْتُ الكَلْبَ فِي الحَدِيْقَةِ (ra-aytu al-kalba fii al-hadiiqati).

In this Arabic sentence, "ال" refers to a particular dog (كَلْب).

3. A definite article is used to refer a noun that has already been mentioned.


This is a pen. The pen is broken.

In this sentences, "first pen" using indefinite article "a", then "the second one" using definite article "the" because pen has already mentioned before.

هَذَا قَلَمٌ. القَلَمُ مَكْسُورٌ (hadha qalamun. al-Qalamu maksuurun).

In this Arabic sentences, "qalamun" using tanwiin, then the second one using definite article "ال" because قلم (Qalam) has already mentioned before.


This concludes our lesson. 

If you reach this summary, it means you have already know:

1. A definite article in Arabic.
2. The meaning of Nakirah and Ma'rifah in English.
3. Know the ism nakirah form and ism ma'rifah form, include the examples.
3. How to change ism nakirah to ma'rifah or know the steps to change it.