Learn Dhalika (ذلك): Meaning in English, Usage, Key Differences with Hadha (هذا) in Arabic

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The following are the key points covered in this chapter: (ذَلِكَ) Dhalika Meaning, the usage of dhalika, the difference between dhalika and hadha, and sentence examples.

what is the meaning of dhalika (ذلك) in english?

Before diving deeper into dhalika, we should review the lesson on hadha (هَذَا).

hadha meaning in english

Demonstrative Pronoun "this" in Arabic (هَذَا)

In demonstrative pronoun hadha, we've learned the following:

- هَذَا: اِسْمُ إِشَارَةٍ لِلْمُفْرَدِ المُذَكَّرِ الْقَرِيْبِ العَاقِلِ وَغَيْرُ الْعَاقِلِ 

hadha: ism ishara lil mufrad al-mudhakkar al-qariib al-'aaqil wa ghayr al-'aaqil.

Meaning: noun of indication (demonstrative pronoun) for masculine singular to indicate/point a person (human-being) or a thing (non-human, such as an object or an animal) for near distance.

Recap: هَذَا (hadha) means "this", especially for pointing an object or a person at near distance (near from speaker).

Sentence examples using hadha

Sentence example for al-aqil

هَذَا طَالِبٌ (hadha taalibun), the meaning: This is a student.

Sentence examples for ghayrul aqil

هَذَا حِصَانٌ (hadha hisaanun), the meaning: This is a horse.

هَذَا مَكْتَبٌ (hadha maktabun), the meaning: This is a desk.

Now, I explain dhalika (ذَلِكَ), the lesson that is discussed in Durusul Lughah al-'Arabiyyah book 1 lesson 2. 

dhalika meaning in english

The Meaning and Usage of dhalika (ذَلِكَ)

The meaning of dhalika (ذَلِكَ)

ذَلِكَ: اسْمُ إِشَارَةٍ لِلْمُفْرَدِ المُذَكَّرِ البَعِيْدِ العَاقِلِ وَغَيْرِ العَاقِلِ

dhalika: ism ishaarah lil mufrad al-mudhakkar al-ba'iid al-'aaqil waghayril 'aaqil.

The meaning: noun of indication (demonstrative pronoun) for masculine singular to point an object (non-human) or a person (human) for far distance.

Recap: ذَلِكَ (dhalika) means "that", especially for pointing an object or a person at far distance (far from speaker).

I repeat, ذلك (dhalika) is demonstrative pronoun for masculine singular thing (human or non-human) which are far.

So, you've already learned that the Arabic for "that" is dhalika (ذَلِكَ).

The usage of dhalika in a sentence

what is dhalika (ذلك) for?

Sentence example using dhalika (ذَلِكَ) in a sentence

a. العاقل (human).

1. ذَلِكَ مُدَرِّسٌ (dhalika mudarrisun), the meaning: That is a teacher.

2. مَنْ ذَلِكَ؟ (man dhalika?): who is that?

ذَلِكَ طَالِبٌ (dhalika taalibun): that is a student.

b. غير العاقل (non-human).

1. ذَلِكَ بَيْتٌ (dhalika baytun): That is a house.

2. مَنْ ذَلِكَ؟ (man dhalika?): Who is that?

ذَلِكَ حَجَرٌ (dhalika hajarun): That is a stone.

After learning هَذَا (hadha) and ذَلِكَ (dhalika), I'm sure you've recognized the similarity and the difference between them.

similarity & difference between hadha and dhalika

الفرق بين هذا وذلك (the difference between hadha and dhalika)

هَذَا (hadha) is used for pointing a person or an object which are near. hadha meaning in English is "this".

ذَلِكَ (dhalika) is used for pointing  a person or an object which are far. dhalika meaning in English is "that".

the difference and similarity between hadha and dhalika

The similarity between hadha and dhalika

Both are used for pointing  masculine singular person (human) or  masculine singular thing (non-human).

new arabic vocabulary from durusul lughah book 1 chapter 2

New Arabic Vocabulary from chapter 2, Durusul Lughah book volume 1

حَجَرٌ (hajarun): a stone.

سُكَّرٌ (sukkarun): sugar.

لَبَنٌ (labanun): milk.

إَمَامٌ (imaamun): imam/prayer leader.