Sentence start with demonstrative pronoun - Durusul lughah vol 1 lesson 8

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Praise be to Allah, we have reach lesson number 8 from durusul lughatul arabiyyah volume 1 which is explained in English.

Observe the first picture.

From this picture we learn:

1. We learn nominal sentence construction, especially the sentence that is started with demonstrative pronoun.

Examples from the picture:

- This man is a trader. You can say this in Arabic => هَذَا الرَّجُلُ تَاجِرٌ  (hadhaa ar-rajulu taajirun).

2. We learn possessive form using لِ in Arabic.

We use لِ  to construct possessive form. After لِ the noun is majruur (ending with kasrah).

- This house is for the trader / This house belongs to the trader => In Arabic : هَذَا البَيْتُ لِلتَّاجِرِ  (hadhaal baitu lit taajiri)

3. أَمَامَ (amaama) means in front of.

Noun after أَمَامَ  is majruur (ending with kasrah).


بَيْتُ التَّاجِرِ أَمَامَ الْمَسْجِدِ  (baitut taajiri amaamal masjidi) => The trader's house is front of the mosque.

4. خَلْفَ  (khalfa) means behind; backward; back; at the back of something.


بَيْتُ الطَّبِيْبِ خَلْفَ الْمَدْرَسَةِ  (baitut tabiibi khalfal madrasati) means => the doctor's house is at the back of the school.

Observe the second picture

From this picture we can draw conclusion that nouns ending with long -a remain unchanged when they are preceded by harf jar 


الْمُسْتَشْفَى  - فِي الْمُسْتَشْفَى
the hospital - in the hospital

أَمْرِيْكَا  - فَي أَمْرِيْكَا
America - in America

Another word examples:

إِنْكَلْتَرَا = England

فَرَنْسَا  = France

عِيْسَى  = Isa

مُوْسَى  = Musa