Exercises in Durusul Lughah book 1 Chapter 7

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To develop your vocabulary and get more deep understanding of the basic theory that we learn in chapter 7, you must practice.

Therefore, we must do these exercises.


lesson tilka تبك in durusul lughah volume 1 chapter 7


Exercises 1: Read and write the Arabic text.

exercise read write translate - durusul lughah 1 lesson 7


Below is the translation.

1. This is a school, and that is a university.

2. That is a donkey, and that is a cow.

3. Is that a mosque? No, that is a school.

4. This is a male camel, and that is she-camel.

5. This is a female teacher, and that is a female student.

6. This is a dog, and that is a cat.

7. This is a muadhin's house, and that is merchant's garden.

Exercise 2: Fill in the blanks with dhalika or tilka.


exercise choose dhalika or tilka - durusul lughah 1 lesson 7


1. تِلْكَ أُمٌّ = that is a mother.

تِلْكَ (tilka) is ism isharah or demonstrative pronoun for muannath (feminine), mufrad (singular), and ba'id (far distance).

We use tilka because ummun (أُمٌّ) is mufrad muannath (singular feminine).

2. ذَلِكَ أَبٌ = that is a father.

dhalika (ذلك) is ism isharah or demonstrative pronoun for مفرد (singular) , مذكّر (masculine), and بعيد (far distance).

We use dhalika because abun (أَبٌ) is mufrad mudhakkar (singular masculine).

3. ذَلِكَ قَلَمٌ = that is a pen.

qalamun is masculine, so we use dhalika.

4. تِلْكَ مِلْعَقَةٌ = that is a spoon.

mil'aqatun is singular feminine noun, so we use demonstrative pronoun tilka.

5. تِلْكَ عَيْنٌ = that is an eye.

'ainun is double members of the body, so that it is feminine. Therefore we use tilka.

6. ذَلِكَ حَجَرٌ = that is a stone.

hajarun is singular masculine, so you must use dhalika.

7. ذَلِكَ قَمِيْصٌ = that is a shirt.

qamiisun is singular masculine, we use dhalika for that.

8. تِلْكَ قِدْرٌ = that is a pot.

Remember our last lesson "the examples of a feminine noun who are not ended with ta marbutah "ة".

We only find two examples, they are qidrun and shamsun.

In shaa Allah we will find other examples in the next lesson.

We use tilka because qidrun is singular feminine noun.

9. تِلْكَ نَافِذَةٌ = that is a window.

naafidhatun is feminine because it is ended with ta marbutah.

You must use tilka for that.

10. تِلْكَ بَقَرَةٌ = that is a cow.

baqaratun is female cow, so you must use tilka.

11. ذَلِكَ مَكْتَبٌ = that is a table.

maktabun is masculine noun, use dhalika.

12. تِلْكَ نَاقَةٌ = that is she-camel.

use tilka because naaqatun is female camel.

13. ذَلِكَ مُهَنْدِسٌ = that is an engineer.

muhandisun is masculine, so use dhalika.

14. ذَلِكَ مُؤَذِّنٌ = that is a muadhdhin.

مُؤَذِّنٌ  is masculine, so we use dhalika.

15. تِلْكَ مُمَرِّضَةٌ = that is a nurse.

mumarridatun is singular feminine, so we use tilka.

16. ذَلِكَ سَرِيْرٌ = that is a bed.

sariirun is singular masculine, we use dhalika.

17. تِلْكَ حَدِيْقَةٌ = that is a garden.

hadiiqatun is feminine, so we use tilka.

18. تِلْكَ طَالِبَةٌ = that is female student.

taalibatun is feminine singular noun, so we use tilka.

19. ذَلِكَ جَمَلٌ = that is a camel.

jamalun is masculine, we use dhalika.

20. تِلْكَ بَطَّةٌ = that is a duck.

battatun is female duck, so we use tilka.

After finishing exercises, let's go to chapter 8.