مَائِدَةٌ | Dining table & Related Words | Arabic & English

Today, we are going to learn lesson 8, the related dining table words in Arabic and English. Let's open al-kitab al-asasi volume 1, lesson 8.

مَائِدَةٌ : dining table

طَبَقٌ : dish; plate

سِكِّيْنٌ : knife

مِلْعَقَةٌ : spoon

شَوْكَةٌ : fork

دَوْرَقٌ : jug; bottle

كُوْبٌ : cup (for drinking water)

فِنْجَانٌ : cup (small cup for drinking coffee or tea)

مَلاَحَةٌ : small pot/container for salt

مِنْضَدَةٌ : table

ثَلاَّجَةٌ : refrigerator

عُودُ الثِّقَابِ or كِبْرِيتٌ : matchstick

صَابُوْنٌ : soap

فَاكِهَةٌ : fruit

خَوْخٌ : peach

كُمَّثْرَى : pear

بَازِلَّاء : pea

بَامِيَة : okra

فَاصُولِيَاء : haricot; bean

بَاذِنْجَان : eggplant

كُرُنْبٌ: cabbage

كُوسَا : zucchini

خَضْرَاوَاتٌ : vegetables

I recommend you to expand your vocabulary by watching the video lesson and article related at the following link.

2. Food Names in Arabic and English





Have you watched and read the additional lessons? If yes, let's finish the following exercise.


Translate the following sentences into Arabic

1. Bakr holds the knife.

2. Bakr eats with the fork.

3. Bakr drinks water.

4. The water is in bottle.

5. The spoon and the fork are on the table.

6. Bakr eats rice with the spoon.

7. Bakr cuts the cheese with the knife.

8. The chicken is on the plate.


1. Bakr holds the knife.
Fi'l : hold => يُمْسِكُ
Fa'il : Bakr => بَكْرٌ
Maf'ul bih/Object : the knife => السِّكِّيْنَ

يُمْسِكُ بَكْرٌ السِّكِّيْنَ

2. Bakr eats with the fork.
Fi'l : eat => يَأْكُلُ
Fa'il : Bakr => بَكْرٌ
harf jar : with => بِ
ism majrur : الشَّوْكَةِ

يَأْكُلُ  بَكْرٌ بِالشَّوْكَةِ

3. Bakr drinks water.
Fi'il : drink => يَشْرَبُ
Fa'il : Bakr => بَكْرٌ
Maf'ul bih : water => المَاءَ

يَشْرَبُ بَكْرٌ المَاءَ

4. The water is in the bottle.
Mubtada' : The water => المَاءُ
khabar is jar wa majrur : in the bottle => فِي الدَّوْرَقِ

المَاءُ فِي الدَّوْرَقِ

5. The spoon and the fork are on the table.

Mubtada' and also ma'tuf 'alaih: the spoon => المِلْعَقَةُ
Harf 'athf :  and =>  وَ
Ma'tuf: the fork => الشَّوْكَةُ
khabar is jar wa majrur : on the table => عَلَى المِنْضَدَةِ

المِلْعَقَةُ وَالشَّوْكَةُ عَلَى المِنْضَدَةِ

6. Bakr eats rice with the spoon.
Fi'l : eat => يَأْكُلُ
Fa'il : Bakr => بَكْرٌ
Maf'ul bih : rice => الأَرُزُّ
jar wa majrur : with the spoon => بِالمِلْعَقَةِ

7. Bakr cuts the cheese with the knife.
Fi'l : cut => يَقْطَعُ
Fa'il : Bakr => بَكْرٌ
Maf'ul bih : الجُبْنَ
jar wa majrur : with the knife => بِالسِّكِّيْنِ

يَقْطَعُ بَكْرٌ الجُبْنَ بِالسِّكِّينِ

8. The chicken is on the plate.
Mubtada' : the chicken => الدَّجَاجَةُ
Khabar (jar wa majrur) : on the plate => فِي الطَّبَقِ

الدَّجَاجَةُ  فِي الطَّبَقِ