Things In My Home: Arabic Vocabulary from al-Kitab al-Asasi Book 1

Today, you are going to study lesson 9 from al-kitab al-asasi volume 1 book.

You'll know the Arabic vocabulary about the things in your home, they are family, room, and things in my home (furniture).

أُسْرَةٌ (Family): Family member in Arabic

أَبٌ : father

أُمٌّ : mother

ابْنٌ : son

ابْنَةٌ : daughter

جَدٌّ : grandfather

جَدَّةٌ : grandmother

طِفْلٌ : child; boy

حُجْرَةٌ (room): Rooms in the house in Arabic

حَدِيْقَةٌ : garden

شَجَرَةٌ : tree

وَرْدَةٌ : flower; rose

حُجْرَةُ النَّوْمِ : bedroom

مَطْبَخٌ : kitchen

غُرْفَةُ جُلُوسٍ : living room

حَمَّامٌ : bathroom

مِرْحَاضٌ : toilet

مَنْزِلٌ : residence; house

أَثَاثٌ (Furniture): Things in the house in Arabic

شَمَّاعَةٌ : hanger

ثِيَابٌ : clothes

بَطَّانِيَّةٌ : blanket; comforter; sheet

وِسَادَةٌ : pillow

ثُرَيَّا : chandelier

مِصْبَاحٌ : lamp

سَجَّادَةٌ : rug; carpet

إِبْرَةٌ : needle

خَيْطٌ : string; yarn

مِقَصٌّ : scissors

فُرْشَةُ الأَسْنَانِ : toothbrush

مِرْآةٌ  : mirror

نِقَابٌ : veil; niqab

زِرٌّ : button

Arabic Grammar

1. Demonstrative Pronoun

- Agreement between noun and its demonstrative pronoun

In this lesson, I show you demonstrative pronoun for masculine singular noun and feminine singular noun.

This time, you learn demonstrative pronoun for near distance.


a. This is a father.
This: demonstrative pronoun for near distance.
Father: masculine singular noun => أَبٌ

Demonstrative pronoun "this" for masculine singular noun : هَذَا

This is a father => هَذَا أَبٌ

b. This is a mother.
This: Demonstrative pronoun for near distance.
Mother: feminine singular noun => أُمٌّ

Demonstrative pronoun "this" for feminine singular : هَذِهِ

This is a mother => هَذِهِ أُمٌّ

2. Agreement with noun and its adjective

In this lesson, I only show you the adjective form for masculine singular noun.

The adjective form follows the noun form, so the adjective is also in masculine singular form.


a. a big scissors

Scissors: masculine singular noun => مِقَصٌّ
big: adjective that modifies the noun "scissors" => كِبِيْرٌ
(كِبِيْرٌ is masculine singular form).

a big scissors => مِقَصٌّ كَبِيْرٌ

b. a small scissors

Scissors: masculine singular noun => مِقَصٌّ
small : adjective that modifies the noun "scissors" => صَغِيْرٌ
(صَغِيْرٌ is masculine singular form).

a small scissors => مِقَصٌّ صَغِيْرٌ

3. A simple sentence using nominal sentence or jumlah ismiyyah (جملة اسميّة)

Nominal sentence structure: mubtada + khabar (مبتدأ + خبر)

mubtada : ism ma'rifah (اسم معرفة), such as nouns that have prefix "ال".

khabar : if the khabar contains one word only, it must be in indefinite form or ism nakirah (اسم نكرة).

For examples:

a. The father is big.
The father: mubtada' => الأَبُ
big: khabar => كَبِيْرٌ

The father is big => الأَبُ كَبِيْرٌ

Notice that "أَبٌ كَبِيْرٌ" and "الأَبُ كَبِيْرٌ" are not the same.

- أَبٌ كَبِيْرٌ means a big father/an old father.
أَبٌ كَبِيْرٌ is not a sentence.

- الأَبُ كَبِيْرٌ means The father is big/The father is old.
الأَبُ كَبِيْرٌ is a sentence. It is a nominal sentence or jumlah ismiyyah.

b. The son is small.
Mubtada: the son => الإِبْنُ
Khabar: small => صَغِيْرٌ

The son is small => الإِبْنُ صَغِيْرٌ

- الإِبْنُ صَغِيْرٌ means The son is small. It is a sentence.

- ابْنٌ صَغِيْرٌ means a small son/ a little son


1. Choose the correct answer


Exercises al-kitab al-asasi book 1: choose correct answer

 2. Match with appropriate pair


exercises al-kitab al-asasi book 1: matching pairs

3. Choose correct ism isharah (demonstrative pronoun)


exercises al-kitab al-asasi volume 1: ism isharah


 4. Translate the following sentences into English


Translate the sentence into English: al-kitab al-asasi volume 1

Key Answers 

Below are the answers:

1. Choose the correct answer



 2. Match with appropriate pair


key answers kitab asasi book 1 matching pairs


3. Choose correct ism isharah (demonstrative pronoun)


key answers kitab asasi book 1 ism isharah


 4. Translate the following sentences into English


Key answers Arabic into English translation kitab asasi volume 1


Good to watch

1. My Family Member in Arabic - الاسرة باللغة العربية

2. Short story in Arabic with translation - My Family



3.  Household items in Arabic | Singular & Plural Form | Arabic vocabulary




4.   Arabic short story: My house - بَيْتِيْ 




Good to read:

Family Member in Arabic: Singular and Plural Form

Family Members and Sentence Examples in Arabic 

Person and the relatives Arabic vocabulary