Person and relatives in Arabic | Arabic Vocabulary

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Have you read the previous lesson family members in Arabic?

I recommend you to see that lesson, then you can continue on this vocabulary lesson.

close friend in arabic

The vocabularies below are close related to the previous one, but I add some vocabularies regarding person or people.

Ok, let's learn the vocabulary below, re-read to memorize the vocab and watch the video to strengthen your memory.

Person/people and the relatives in Arabic & English translation

- person in Arabic = شَخْصٌ

- people = أَشْخَاصٌ

- child = طِفْلٌ

- boy =    وَلَدٌ

- girl = وَلَدَةٌ

colleague in arabic

- man = رَجُلٌ

- woman = إِمْرَأَةٌ

- gentleman = سَيِّدٌ

- parent = وَالِدٌ ; وَالِدَةٌ

- parents = وَالِدَانِ

- grandfather = جَدٌّ

- grandmother = جَدَّةٌ

arabic vocabulary about friend

- grandchildren = اَحْفَادٌ

- grandson = حَفِيدٌ

- granddaughter = حَفِيْدَةٌ

- husband = زَوْجٌ

- wife = زَوْجَةٌ

- father = أَبٌ

- mother = أُمٌّ

- son = اِبْنٌ

neighbor in arabic and english

- daughter = بِنْتٌ

- brother = أَخٌ

- sister = أُخْتٌ

- sibling (full brother) = شَقِيْقٌ

- sibling (full sister) = شَقِيقَةٌ

- stepbrother = أَخٌ غَيْرُ شَقِيق

- stepsister = أُخْتٌ غَيْرُ شَقِيقَة

- paternal uncle =  عَمٌّ

- maternal uncle = خَالٌ

-  paternal aunt =  عَمَّةٌ

- maternal aunt = خَالَةٌ

- nephew = اِبْنُ اْلأَخِ ; اِبْنُ اْلأُخْتِ

-  niece = بِنْتُ اْلأَخِ ;  بِنْتُ اْلأُخْتِ

- father-in-law = حَمُو

arabic vocabulary about person

- mother-in-law = حَمَاةٌ

- son-in-law = خَتَنٌ

- daughter-in-law = كَنَّةٌ

- brother-in-law = سِلْفٌ

- sister-in-law = سِلْفَةٌ

- stepfather = زَوجُ الأُمِّ

- stepmother = زَوْجَةُ الأَبِ

- stepson = رَبِيْبٌ

- stepdaughter = رَبِيْبَةٌ

- stepbrother = أَخٌ غَيْرُ شَقِيق

- stepsister = أُخْتٌ غَيْرُ شَقِيقَة

- colleague = زَمِيْلٌ

- friend = صَدِيقٌ

- close friend = صَاحِبٌ

- neighbor = جَارٌ