Welcome & good-bye expression in Arabic with sentence examples

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Today we are going to discuss daily expression, especially when you meet with someone and when you leave someone.

There are two expressions that I explain here, they are : welcome and goodbye.

Welcome expression in Arabic

مَرْحَبًا + بِ+ فِي = Welcome to .....

Observe the pattern at the picture below.

welcoming someone expression in arabic

Sentence examples :

1. مَرْحَبًا بِالطُّلَّابِ الجُدُدِ فِي هَذِهِ المَدْرَسَةِ
English translation : The new students, welcome to this school!

Word by word translation:

a. مَرْحَبًا بِ means welcome to

b. طُلاَّبٌ = students

طُلاَّبٌ  is plural form, the singular form of طُلاَّبٌ  is طَالِبٌ 

c. جُدُدٌ = new.

جُدُدٌ is plural form, the singular form of جُدُدٌ  is جَدِيْدٌ 

e. فِيْ = at; in

f. هَذِهِ = this

هَذِهِ is demonstrative pronoun for female and singular.

The male form is هَذَا

g. مَدْرَسَةٌ = school.

2. مَرْحَبًا بِضُيُوفِنَا 
It means : Our guests, welcome!

Word by word translation:

a. ضُيُوفٌ = guests

ضُيُوفٌ  is plural form, the singular form of ضُيُوفٌ is ضَيْفٌ 

b. ضُيُوفُنَا = our guests.

ضُيُوفُنَا contains two parts, namely:

- mudaf (possessed) => ضُيُوفٌ

- mudaf ilaih (possessor) => نَا 

نَا is damir (attached pronoun), it means: our

3. مَرْحَبًا بِصَدِيقِنَا فِي هَذِهِ المَجْمُوعَةِ
The meaning : Our friend, Welcome to this group!

Word by word translation:

a. صَدِيْقٌ = friend.

b. صَدِيْقُنَا = our friend.

صَدِيْقُنَا contains two parts, they are:

- صَدِيْقٌ (mudaf) and نَا (mudaf ilaih).

c. مَجْمُوعَةٌ = group.

There is another way to welcome a person who just arrived, it is : 

- أَهْلاً وَسَهْلاً 

- أَهْلاً 


- أهْلاً بِكَ يَا صَدِيقُ  
The meaning : Welcome, my friend.

Farewell expression in Arabic

وَدَاعًا  = farewell ; goodbye

Sentence examples:

1. وَدَاعًا يَا حَبِيبِي سَأَعُودُ لَكِ 
The meaning: Good-bye my sweetheart, I will come back to you.

Word by word translation:

a. وَدَاعًا = goodbye

b. يَا = vocative particle
example : يَا أَحْمَدُ means O Ahmad!

c. حَبِيْبٌ = dear; beloved; sweetheart.

حَبِيْبٌ also means the name of person, example: اسْمِي حَبِيْبٌ (my name is Habib).

d. حَبِيْبِي = my dear.

it contains two parts, they are:

- حَبِيْبٌ = dear => as a possessed (mudaf)

- يْ = my => it's an attached pronoun that's acted as a possessor (mudaf ilaih)

e. سَأَعُودُ = I will return / I will come back

سَأَعُودُ contains two parts, they are سَ and أَعُودُ

- سَ means will (action will be done in the future).

- أَعُودُ means return/come back

أَعُوْدُ is fi'il mudari' for damir أَنَا , the root verb is  عَادَ - يَعُودُ

f. لَكِ = for you.

كِ is attached pronoun for أَنْتِ (second person, singular, female).

2. قَلْ وَدَاعًا لِلْكَسَلِ
The meaning : Say goodbye to laziness.

Word by word translation:

a. قُلْ means say.

قُلْ is imperative verb, the root verb is قَالَ - يَقُولُ 

b. كَسَلٌ = laziness

3. وَدَاعًا أَيَّتُهَا الأَيَّامُ الحَزَنَةُ 
The meaning : Goodbye sorrowful days.

Word by word translation:

a. أَيَّتُهَا is a vocative particle for female.

b. أَيَّامٌ = days

أَيَّامٌ is plural, the singular form is يَومٌ 

c. حَزَنَةٌ = sorrow, sad
 حَزَنَةٌ is female form, the male form is حَزَنٌ

There are another ways to express farewell, they are : 

- إِلَى اللِّقَاءِ  = see you next time.

- مَعَ السَّلَامَةِ = take care.


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