Sound Feminine Plural Cases in Arabic | Durusul lughah book 2 - lesson 9

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 I've explained you about :

Feminine noun and it's adjective 

Types of noun in term of gender : masculine and feminine noun 

Noun cases in Arabic

Today, you will learn the lesson which is closely related to lesson above, but we are going to focus on sound feminine plural and it's cases.


sound feminine plural cases in arabic

Sound feminine plural (جَمْعُ المُؤَنَّثِ السَّالِمُ)

Sound feminine plural (jam' muannath salim) is composed of  feminine singular by adding ات at the end of the word.


how to compose sound feminine plural from singular noun



مُفْرَدُ المُؤَنَّثِ (feminine singular) : طَالِبَةٌ (a female student)

جَمْعُ المُؤَنَّثِ السَّالِمُ (sound feminine plural) : طَالِبَاتٌ (female students)

Another example :

سَيَّارَةٌ (a car) => سَيَّارَاتٌ (cars)

Noun cases in Arabic

1. Nominative case (مَرْفُوعٌ)

A noun is in nominative case when the noun is the subject (فَاعِلٌ).

It takes dammah (both single dammah and double dammah or tanwiin).


جَاءَتْ طَالِبَةٌ (a female student came).

- طَالِبَةٌ  is fa'il (فَاعِلٌ) , it is marfu' or nominative case, and the indication of it's rafa' is dammah "u"

2. Accusative case (مَنْصُوبٌ)

A noun is in accusative case when the noun is the object (مَفْعُولٌ بِهِ).

It takes fat-hah (both single fathah and double fathah).


زَارَ المُدَرِّسُ الطَّالِبَةَ  (The teacher visited the student)

- المُدَرِّسُ is fa'il, marfu', the indication of it's rafa' is dammah "u"

- الطَّالِبَةَ  is maf'ul bih (object), mansub or accusative case, the indication of the nasab is fat-hah.

3. Genitive case (مَجْرُورٌ)

A noun is in genitive case when the noun is preceded by a preposition.

It takes kasrah (both single kasrah and double kasrah).

Example :

مَرَرْتُ بِالطَّالِبَةِ (I passed by the student).

- بِ is a preposition (حرف الجرّ)

- الطَّالِبَةِ is majrur (genitive case) by preposition بِ , the indication of it's jar is kasrah "i"

Sound Feminine Plural cases in Arabic

Now, you will know the cases to sound feminine plural. There is a different indication cases especially accusative and genitive cases for sound feminine plural. 

So you have to grasp and memorize the concept. 

sound feminine plural in accusative case or mansub

Pay attention to this concept :

جَمْعُ المُؤَنَّثِ السَّالِمِ : يُرْفَعُ بِالضَّمَّةِ , يُنْصَبُ بِالكَسْرَةِ , يُجَرُّ بِالكَسْرَةِ


Sound feminine plural cases :

1. nominative case = dammah

2. accusative case = kasrah

3. genitive case = kasrah

Examples of  sound feminine plural in accusative case

- رَأَيْتُ سَيَّارَاتٍ (I saw cars)

سَيَّارَاتٍ  is object or maf'ul bih, it is in accusative case or manṣub, the indication of the naṣab is kasrah "i"

- سَأَلَتِ المُدِيْرَةُ الطَّالِبَاتٍ (The principal asked the students)

المُدِيْرَةُ is subject or fa'il, it is in nominative case or marfu', the indication of the rafa' is dammah "u"

الطَّالِبَاتٍ is object or maf'ul bih, it is in accusative case or manṣub, the indication of the naṣab is kasrah "i"

- قَرَأْتُ المَجَلاَّتِ (I read the magazines)

المَجَلاَّتِ is object or maf'ul bih (مَفْعُولٌ بِهِ), it is in accusative case or manṣub, the indication of the naṣab is kasrah "i"

Those are the examples of sound feminine plurals case when they are in accusative case (manṣub).

I hope you grasp the lesson comprehensively. We'll continue on the next chapter in Durus al-lughah al-arabiyyah volume 2 book.