Vocative cases in Arabic - Durusul lughah book 2 - lesson 9

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 We are going to learn النِّدَاءُ and it's rules in Arabic language.

النِّدَاءُ  is the vocative, it means calling someone. 

One of vocative particle in Arabic is يَا  (yaa). 

The one who is called is المُنَادَى (al-munada).


vocative cases in arabic


النِّدَاءُ and المُنَادَى | the rules of an-nida and al-munada | vocative case


Let's take a look at the picture below.


the case of al-munada mufrad is marfu'

Notice the yellow underlined word.


The rules of al-munada  al-mufrad


يَا مُحَمَّدُ  means O Muhammad! 


- يَا is vocative particle

-  مُحَمَّدُ is the one who is called (المُنَادَى), marfu', the indication of the rafa' is dammah "u"




- the noun after يَا takes only one dammah (no tanwiin).

- the noun after يَا is in mufrad form (not in idafah form)

- because the munada is mufrad, the case of  the munada is marfu' or nominative case.

==end of notes==

munada mufrad - the called is in nominative case

يَا حَامِدُ = Oh Hamid!

- يَا is vocative particle

- حَامِدُ is munada mufrad (it isn't in idafah form), because it is munada mufrad, the case is marfu' (nominative case)

يَا أُسْتَاذُ = O teacher!

- يَا is vocative particle

- أُسْتَاذُ  is munada, marfu, the indication of it's rafa is dammah "u"


The rules of al-munada al-mudaaf

Look at the following picture carefully.

the case of munada mudaf is mansub

يَا أُخْتَ حَامِدٍ  means O Hamid's sister!

أُخْتُ حَامِدٍ  is Hamid's sister.

أُخْتُ is called مضاف (mudaf) whereas حَامِدٍ  is called مضاف إليه (mudaf ilaih).


munada mudaf is in accusative case




Restudy idafah form here : mudaf and mudaf ilaih


Back to يَا أُخْتَ حَامِدٍ :

- يَا is vocative particle

- أُخْتُ حَامِدٍ is munada (the one who is called), because أُخْتُ mudaf, so it's case is mansub or accusative case. Then أُخْتُ  (ukhtu) becomes أُخْتَ  (ukhta)

-  حَامِدٍ mudaf ilaih, it is majrur,

يَا عَبْدَ اللَّهِ  = O Abdullah! (O servant of Allah!)

- يَا = vocative particle

- عَبْدَ = munada, mudaf, mansub, the indication of it's nasb is fat-hah "a"

- اللَّهِ = lafz jalalah, mudaf ilaih, majrur, the indication of it's jar is kasrah "i"


munada mufrad and mudaf exercises


1. يَا عَلِيُّ = Oh Ali!

2. يَا عَبَّاسُ = O Abbas!

3. يَا رَجُلُ = O man!

4. يَا بِنْتُ = O daughter!

5. يَا شَيْخُ = O shaikh!

6. يَا مَرْيَمُ = O Maryam!

7. يَا عَبْدَ اللَّهِ = O servant of Allah!

8. يَا بِنْتَ خَالِدٍ = O Khalid's daughter!

9. يَا سَئِقَ السَّيَّارَةِ = O car driver!

10. يَا أُمَّ سَعْدٍ = O Saad's mother!

11. يَا عَبْدَ الرَّحْمَنِ = O Abdarrahman!

12. يَا رَبَّ الكَعْبَةِ = O lord of the ka'bah!

13. يَا إِمَامَ المَسْجِدِ = O Imam of the mosque!

14. يَا بْنَ عَبَّاسٍ = O Abbas' son