Noun in Arabic Language - definite and indefinite

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types of noun in terms of definiteness

After studying parts of speech in Arabic, I will continue on the noun (إِسْمٌ).

I just want to recap the last lesson.

The Arabic language has 3 parts of speech, they are:

1. اِسْمٌ  = noun.

2. فِعْلٌ  = verb.

3. حَرْفٌ  =  article.

So, in this lesson, I will explain to you the first part, namely noun or اِسْمٌ

Noun in Arabic

There are two types of noun in Arabic in terms of definiteness, they are:

1. Definite noun = الْمَعْرِفَةُ

2. Indefinite noun = النَّكِرَةُ

Like English, the noun in Arabic can be indefinite or definite.

noun in arabic : definite noun and indefinite noun

أَسْمَاءُ النَّكِرَةِ  (indefinite nouns)

Indefinite nouns are names given in general things (common nouns).

Indefinite noun ends with nunnation or tanwiin ( تَنْوِيْنٌ) or doubles vowel sign at the end of the word.


— كِتَابٌ = a book.

— قَلَمٌ = a pen

أَسْمَاءُ الْمَعْرِفَةِ  (definite nouns)

Definite nouns are proper names given to a certain person, place, or object.

A definite noun is formed by prefixing “al” (اَلْ)  to the noun.

اَلْ eliminates the تَنْوِيْن  at the end of the word.


كِتَابٌ  (kitaabun) = indefinite noun ⇒ a book

الْكِتَابُ  (al-kitaabu) = definite noun  ⇒  the book

قَلَمٌ  (qalamun) = indefinite noun ⇒ a pen

الْقَلَمُ  (al-qalamu) = definite noun  ⇒ the pen

Special notes for the name of  a person:

حَامِدٌ, مُحَمَّدٌ, etc. are with tanwiin, but they are a definite noun.

أَحْمَدُ, إِبْرَاهِيْمُ, etc. are without اَلْ, but they are a definite noun.

Characteristics of a noun

1.  A noun usually has a tanwiin on it.


كُرْسِيٌّ  = a chair

بَيْتٌ  = a house

2. It can be preceded by اَلْ

Example =

الْبَيْتُ  = the house

الْكُرْسِيُّ  = the chair

3. It can be preceded by harf jar

example =

مِنَ الْبَيْتِ  = from the house

عَلَى الْكُرْسِيِّ  = on the chair.

Noun inflection in the Arabic Language

Nouns can inflect according to the following things:

1. State: definite and indefinite.


طَبِيْبٌ  = indefinite noun, means a doctor.

الطَّبِيْبُ  = definite noun, means the doctor.

2. Number: singular, dual, plural.


Singular noun = طَبِيْبٌ , means a doctor.

Dual = طَبِيْبَانِ , means two doctors.

Plural =  أَطِبَّاءُ , means doctors

3. Gender: masculine, feminine


a doctor (male) = طَبِيْبٌ

a doctor (female) = طَبِيْبَةٌ

4. Case: nominative, accusative, genitive.


Nominative : طَبِيْبٌ

Accusative: طَبِيْبًا

Genitive : طَبِيْبٍ

After learning definite noun and indefinite noun, we will learn case ending (noun cases) in the next lesson. In shaa Allah.