Accusative Case of Nouns: Masdar

Masdar (مَفْعُول مُطْلَق)


المفعول المطلق: اسم منصوب مِنْ لَفْظِ الفِعْلِ (مَصْدَر)

The meaning:
al-maf'ul al-mutlaq: ism mansub (nominative noun) that is formed from a verb. It is also called masdar (infinitive, verbal noun, or gerund in English term).


Verb "فَهِمَ" which means understand.

The masdar of fi'l فَهِمَ is "فَهْمًا".

فَهْمًا means understanding.

The function of maf'ul mutlaq

1. لِتَأْكِيْد (for emphasis)

2. لِبَيَانِ نَوْعٍ (for an explanation of the types)

3. لِبَيَانِ عَدَدٍ (for an explanation of the numbers)

Examples maf'ul mutlaq (masdar) for emphasis

- دَرَسْتُ الكِتَابَ دَرْسًا = I seriously studied the book.

* دَرَسْ : fi'il madi, mabniy 'alas sukun.
تُ: damir muttasil mabniy 'alad dammi, fi mahalli raf'in fa'il.

* الكِتَابَ: maf'ul bih mansub, the sign of the nasb is fat-hah "a".

* دَرْسًا : maf'ul mutlaq lita'kid al-fi'l (to emphasize the fi'l), mansub, the sign of the nasb is fat-hah "a".

- نَصَرْنَا مُحَمَّدًا نَصْرًا = I totally helped Muhammad.

* نَصَرْ : fi'l madi mabniy 'alas sukun.
نَا: damir muttasil, mabniy 'alas sukun, fi mahalli raf'in fa'il.

* مُحَمَّدًا: maf'ul bih, mansub, the sign of the nasb is fat-hah "a".

* نَصْرًا : maf'ul mutlaq lita'kid al-fi'l (emphasize the verb/action), mansub, the sign of the nasb is fat-hah "a".

Examples maf'ul mutlaq (masdar) for an explanation of the types of verb/action

- حَفِظْتُ القُرْآنَ حِفْظًا جَيِّدًا = I memorized al-Quran with an excellent memorization.

* حَفِظْ: fi'l madi mabniy 'alas sukun.
تُ: damir muttasil, mabniy 'alad dammi, fi mahalli raf'in fa'il (its grammar position is as fa'il/doer).

* القُرْآنَ: maf'ul bih, mansub, the sign of the nasb is fat-hah "a".

- حِفْظًا: maf'ul mutlaq libayani naw'il fi'li (it explains the type/condition of action/verb ), mansub, the sign of the nasb is fat-hah "a".

- جَيِّدًا: sifah lil maf'ul mutlaq, mansub (the condition/case follows the mausuf "حِفْظًا", the sign of the nasb is fat-hah "a".

- ضَرَبْتُ سَارِقًا ضَرْبًا شَدِيْدًا = I beat a thief severely.

* ضَرَبْ : fi'l madi mabniy 'alas sukun.
تُ : damir muttasil mabniy 'alad dammi, fi mahalli raf'in fa'il (its grammar position is as fa'il/doer).

* سَارِقًا: maf'ul bih, mansub, the sign of the nasb is fat-hah.

* ضَرْبًا: maf'ul mutlaq libayani naw'il fi'l, mansub, the sign of the nasb is fat-hah.

* شَدِيْدًا: sifah lil maf'ul mutlaq, mansub, the sign of the nasb is fat-hah.

Examples maf'ul mutlaq (masdar) for an explanation of the number of fi'l/action

- ضَرَبْتُ سَارِقًا ضَرْبَيْنِ = I hit a thief twice.

* ضَرَبْ : fi'l madi mabniy 'alas sukun.
تُ : damir muttasil mabniy 'alad dammi, fi mahalli raf'in fa'il (its grammar position is as fa'il/doer).

* سَارِقًا: maf'ul bih, mansub, the sign of the nasb is fat-hah.

* ضَرْبَيْنِ: maf'ul mutlaq libayani adadil fi'il (to explain the number of fi'l/action), mansub, the sign of nasb is "الياء" (ya).


the functions of maf'ul mutlaq or masdar


Maf'ul bih (object) is ism mansub

Understanding mansub (accusative have)