Durus al-Lughah Book 1 Lesson 2 : dhalika (ذلك)

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After discussing demonstrative pronoun “this” in Arabic, we will continue on demonstrative pronoun “that”.

dhalika (ذلك) means that


Dhalika (ذَلِكَ) 

The demonstrative pronoun for masculine and singular noun

differences between hadha (هذا) and dhalika (ذلك)

In the picture above, we learn the following things:

1. Ism ishaarah (demonstrative pronoun) for mudhakkar (masculine noun), mufrad (singular noun) are hadha (هَذَا) and dhalika (ذَلِكَ).

2. Hadha is used for near distance. Hadha means "this".

3. Dhalika is used for far distance. Dhalika means "that".



durusul lughah al-arabiyyah book 1 lesson 2: dhalika

In the picture above, we learn the following things:

Lesson Summary

1. dhalika (ذَلِكَ) is اسم إشارة للمفرد المذكّر البعيد العاقل وغير العاقل

dhalika is ism isharah (demonstrative pronoun), lilmufrad (for singular), al-mudhakkar (masculine), al-ba'id (far), al-'aqil (human), wa ghayr 'aqil (and non-human).

dhalika (ذَلِكَ) means "that".

2. Examples question and answer:

a. Q: مَا ذَلِكَ؟ (What is that?)
A: ذَلِكَ نَجْمٌ (That is a star)

a. Q: مَنْ ذَلِكَ؟ (Who is that?)
A: ذَلِكَ رَجُلٌ (That is a man)

3. Arabic vocabulary.

a. سُكَّرٌ = sugar

b. لَبَنٌ = milk

c. حَجَرٌ = a stone

d. إِمَامٌ = an Imam (A leader of prayers in a mosque).

==The end of the lesson==

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