Jumlah fi'liyyah - Durusul Lughah book 2 - lesson 5

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We've come to lesson 5, Durusul lughah book 2. In this chapter, we are going to learn jumlah fi'liyyah (الجملة الفعليّة).

rules of jumlah fi'liyyah : fi'il, fa'il, and maf'ul

What is jumlah fi'liyyah (الجملة الفعليّة)?

Jumlah fi'liyyah (verbal sentence) is a sentence that commences with a verb (فعل).

We can say jumlah fi'liyyah is a complete sentence if there are at least two components, they are fi'il/verb (فعل) and fa'il/subject (فَاعِل).

Example of jumlah fi'liyyah

ذَهَبَ زَيْدٌ = Zaid went.

- ذَهَبَ = fi'l madhi (الفعل الماضي)

- زَيْدٌ = fa'il (الفاعل)

Before, I've mentioned that a complete sentence has at least verb/fi'il and subject/fa'il. Sometimes, we found more components addition, such as object. In Arabic, object is called مفعول به (maf'ul bih).

Sentence example contains fi'l + fa'il + maf'ul bih (verb + subject + object)

شَرِبَ زَيْدٌ القَهْوَةَ 

Zaid drank the coffee.

- شَرِبَ = fi'il madi

- زَيْدٌ  = fa'il

- القَهْوَةَ = maf'ul bih, mansub, the indication of it's nasab is fat-hah "a"

The rules of jumlah fi'liyyah

1. فاعل (fa'il) is in rafa' condition. 

It's always marfu' (مرفوع)

2. مَفْعُول بِه (maf'ul bih) is in nasab condition.

It's always mansub (منصوب)

Different construction between jumlah ismiyyah and jumlah fi'liyyah

Jumlah ismiyyah (nominal sentence) = sentence that commences with noun. It comprises mubtada' and khabar.

jumlah fi'liyyah (verbal sentence) = sentence that commences with verb. It comprises at least fi'l and fa'il, then we can add some components like maf'ul bih, zharf, etc.

You can observe the picture below to see the difference.

different construction of jumlah ismiyyah and jumlah fi'liyyah