كَأَنَّ basic rules - Durusul Lughah book 2 - lesson 3

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After studying one of the sister إِنَّ , we are studying another sister of  إِنَّ 

The sister of inna we are focusing today is كَأَنَّ

harf tasbih basic rules كأنّ

كَأَنَّ means "it looks as if", "like", "it seems", "it looks like".

In Arabic كَأَنَّ is called حرف تشبيه (harf tasbiih).

كَأَنَّ basic rules

1. كَأَنَّ is one of the sister of إِنَّ , therefore it acts like إِنَّ

2. كَأَنَّ makes ism mansub and makes khabar marfu

3. Examples :

It looks as if the imam is sick.

كَأَنَّ الإِمَامَ مَرِيْضٌ


- كَأَنَّ : the sister of inna

- الإِمَامَ : ism كَأَنَّ, mansub, the indication of it's nasb is fathah "a"

- مَرِيْضٌ : khabar كَأَنَّ, marfu', the indication of it's rafa' is is dammah "u"

Summary of كَأَنَّ

Read carefully the basic concept of ka-anna in the picture below.

"it seems", "it looks like", "it looks as if" in arabic


Put the appropriate pronoun like the example below.

هَذَا الفَتَى : كَأَنَّهُ أَخُوكَ

1. هُوَ زَمِيْلُكَ

2. هِيَ طَبِيْبَةٌ

3. هُمْ طُلاَّبٌ

4. أَنْتَ مَرِيْضٌ

5. هُوَ مُدَرِّسٌ جَدِيْدٌ

6. أَنْتِ أُخْتُ مَرْيَمَ


1. هُوَ زَمِيْلُكَ : كَأَنَّهُ زَمِيْلُكَ 

2. هِيَ طَبِيْبَةٌ : كَأَنَّهَا طَبِيْبَةٌ

3. هُمْ طُلاَّبٌ : كَأَنَّهُمْ طُلاَّبٌ 

4. أَنْتَ مَرِيْضٌ : كَأَنَّكَ مَرِيْضٌ

5. هُوَ مُدَرِّسٌ جَدِيْدٌ : كَأَنَّهُ مُدَرِّسٌ جَدِيْدٌ

6. أَنْتِ أُخْتُ مَرْيَمَ : كَأَنَّكِ أُخْتُ مَرْيَمَ