Fi'l madi conjugation - Durusul Lughah book 2 - lesson 6

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In the previous lesson, we've studied about jumlah fi'liyyah which comprises fi'il (verb), fa'il (subject), and maf'ul bih (object).

verb conjugation for fi'il madi

Today we are focusing on isnad fi'il madi, especially for damir  which is acted as fa'il,  as mentioned below:

1. damir mustatir that refers to هِيَ 

2. damir muttasil mukhatab mudhakar "تَ"

3.damir muttasil mukhatab mu-annath "تِ"

4. damir muttasil mutakallim mudhakar and mu-annath "تُ"

The second point which I'll show you is "dhamir muttasil gha-ib that is acted as maf'ul bih".

Ok, let's start to poin number one, isnad fi'il madi.

Isnad fi'il madi to dama-ir

Suppose we take one  fi'il for the example, let say "حَضَرَ"

حَضَرَ means attend; come.

حَضَرَ is called basic form or root verb, from this root or basic form we can change (tasrif) the fi'il to another form such as: fi'il mudari', fi'l amr, fa'il, masdar, maf'ul, etc.

حَضَرَ = fi'il madi, it's fa'il is damir mustatir jawazan that refers to هُوَ 

isnad fi'l madi to damir muttasil ta ت

Now, we change the form (conjugate the verb) to the related damir. 

1. تْ (ta ta'nith is the indication of feminine)

حَضَرَتْ = she attended

حَضَرَتْ = fi'il madi, تْ is indication of ta'nith (feminine)

fa'il = damir mustatir jawazan that refers to هِيَ 

2. تَ

حَضَرْتَ = you (singular, masculine) attended

حَضَرْتَ = fi'il madi, damir muttasil تَ is acted as fa'il that refers to أَنْتَ

3. تِ

حَضَرْتِ = you (singular, feminine) attended

حَضَرْتِ = fi'il madi, damir muttasil "تِ" is acted as fa'il that refers to أَنْتِ

4. تُ

حَضَرْتُ = I attended

حَضَرْتُ  = fi'il madi, damir muttasil "تُ" is acted as fa'il that refers to أَنَا

Sentence examples

أَنَا ذَهَبْتُ إِلَى المَطَارِ 

I went to the airport.

أَذَهَبْتَ إِلَى المَلْعَبِ يَا يُوسُفُ؟

Did you go to playground O Yusuf?

أُخْتِي ذَهَبَتْ إِلَى المُسْتَشْفَى

My sister went to the hospital.

أَذَهَبْتِ إِلَى المَكْتَبَةِ يَا مَرْيَمُ؟

Did you go to the library O Maryam?

Damir muttasil al-ghaib (3rd person) as maf'ul bih (object)

1. damir "هُ" for singular and masculine, means "him"

2. damir "هَا" for singular feminine, means "her"

3. damir "هُمَا" for dual masculine and feminine.

4. damir "هُمْ" for plural and masculine, means "them"

5. damir "هُنَّ" for plural and feminine, means "them"

Sentence examples

- أَفَهِمْتَ الدَّرْسَ يَا عَلِيُّ؟

نَعَمْ, فَهِمْتُهُ 

لاَ, مَا فَهِمْتُهُ

Did you understand the lesson O Ali?

Yes, I understood it. 

No, I didn't understand it.


observe the sentence "فَهِمْتُهُ"

فَهِمْتُهُ comprises fi'l + fa'il and maf'ul bih "هُ"

فَهِمْتُ = fi'l + fa'il  "ت" which means "I understood"

هُ = damir muttasil that is acted as object (maf'ul bih).

هُ refers to noun "الدَّرْسُ" which is singular and masculine noun.

Let's study the next example.

- أَرَأَيْتَ زَيْنَبَ؟

نَعَمْ, رَأَيْتُهَا

Did you see Zainab?

Yes, I saw her.


Observe the sentence "رَأَيْتُهَا"

رَأَيْتُهَا comprises :

رَأَيْتُ = fi'l (verb) and damir muttasil "ت" that is acted as fa'il (subject), which means "I saw"

هَا = damir muttasil "هَا" that is acted as maf'ul bih (object).

هَا refers to زَيْنَبُ  which is singular, feminine noun.