100 and 1000 in Arabic- Durusul lughah book 2 - lesson 1

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We still learn the material in chapter one at Durusul al-lughah al-'Arabiyyah book volume 1.

100 and 1000 in arabic

In this chapter, you are taught about one hundred and one thousand in Arabic, and the rules about those number.

Let's start.

The number of 100 and 1000 in Arabic 

1. One hundred in Arabic مِائَةٌ 

2. One thousand in Arabic أَلْفٌ

3. The noun after  مِائَةٌ and أَلْفٌ has the following specifications:

a. مُفْرَدٌ = singular noun

b. مَجْرُورٌ = genitive condition

4. the noun after these numbers is majrur because of idafah.

مِائَةٌ and أَلْفٌ  is mudaf , and the noun after them is mudaf ilaih.

5. مِائَةٌ and أَلْفٌ are used for both masculine and feminine noun.

6. Examples:

مِائَةُ رَجُلٍ = one hundred men.

مِائَةُ = mudaf

رَجُلٍ = mudaf ilaih, majrur, the indication of majrur is kasrah "i" at the end because it is singular noun.

مِائَةُ امْرَأَةٍ = one hundred women.

مِائَةُ  = mudaf

امْرَأَةٍ = mudaf ilaih, majrur, the indication of majrur is kasrah "i" because it is singular noun.

7. Sentence examples:

- هَذَا التِّلْفَازُ بِأَلْفِ رِيَالٍ 

This television is one thousand riyals.

بِأَلْفِ رِيَالٍ

* ب = harf jar

* أَلْفِ = majrur because of har jar بِ, the sign of majrur is kasrah "i", and it acts as mudaf.

* رِيَالٍ = mudaf ilaih (mudaf from أَلْفِ), majrur, the sign of majrur is kasrah.

- قَرَأْتُ أَلْفَ صَفْحَةٍ

I read one hundred pages.

* قَرَأ  = fi'l madi

* تُ = fa'il

* أَلْفَ = maf'ul bih (object), mansub, the sign of mansub is fat-hah "a", and it acts as mudaf

* صَفْحَةٍ = mudaf ilaih (from أَلْفَ), majrur, the sign of majrur is kasrah "i"

- عِنْدِي أَلْفُ دُولاَرٍ 

I've one thousand dollars.

* أَلْفُ = mudaf, marfu', the sign of marfu' is dammah "u"

* دُولاَرٍ = mudaf ilaih, majrur, the sign of majrur is kasrah "i"