Learn Arabic Colors: Masculine & Feminine | Singular & Plural Forms

After learning lines & shapes in Arabic, you will learn colors in Arabic for masculine and feminine forms.

Colors are an ultimate part of our daily lives. Houses, shirts, shoes, and everything around us have a color. Therefore, as a student who learn Arabic, we must study, understand, and memorize the colors vocabulary in Arabic and English.

In this lesson, I'll show you both masculine and feminine forms of some basic colours in Arabic.

You'll learn how to use these colors in a sentence. I hope you'll be able to describe the color of the objects in both masculine and feminine form.

Short Video about Masculine and Feminine Color in Arabic

Colour in Arabic

color in Arabic is لَوْنٌ (lawnun).

لَوْنٌ is singular, the plural of لَوْنٌ is أَلْوَانٌ (alwaanun).

أَلْوَانٌ means colors.


colours in Arabic with sentence examples

Basic Rule: Colors in masculine and feminine form

In Arabic, colors have both masculine and feminine forms.

Example: white in masculine form is  أبْيَضُ (abyadu), whereas white in feminine form is بَيْضَاءُ (baydaa-u).

As a result, we have to say that color depends on whether the noun it is being described is a masculine noun or a feminine noun.

arabic grammar rules: colour in masculine and feminine

Colors in Arabic : masculine form

Below are list of masculine form of colors in Arabic with English translation:

1. أَبْيَضُ ( abyaḍu ) means white.

2. أَسْوَدُ (aswadu) = black.

3. أَخْضَرُ (akhḍaru) = green.

4. أَحْمَرُ (aḥmaru) = red.

5. أَصْفَرُ (aṣfaru) = yellow.

6. أَزْرَقُ (azraqu) = blue.

7. أَسْمَرُ (asmaru) = brown.

color in arabic and sentence examples

Colors in Arabic : feminine form

Below are list of feminine form of colors in Arabic with English translation:

1. بَيْضَاءُ (bayḍaa-u) = white.

2. سَوْدَاءُ (sawdaa-u) = black.

3. خَضْرَاءُ (khaḍraa-u) = green.

4. حَمْرَاءُ (ḥamraa-u) = red.

5. صَفْرَاءُ (ṣafraa-u) = yellow.

6. زَرْقَاءُ (zarqaa-u) = blue.

7. سَمْرَاءُ (samraa-u) = brown.

color vocabulary in arabic

Both forms (male & female) are used for singular noun.  I will discuss color in plural form later, in shaa Allah.

Colours in Arabic: Masculine, Feminine, Singular, Plural Form

Below are the complete summary colours in Arabic, in all forms, they are masculine singular, masculine plural, feminine singular, and feminine plural.
colours in Arabic in all forms complete

ColorsMasculine (Singular)Masculine (Plural)Feminine (Singular)Feminine (Plural)
Whiteأَبْيَضُ (Abyadu)بِيضٌ (Bidun)بَيْضَاءُ (Baydaa')بَيْضَاوَاتٌ (Baydawaat)
Blackأَسْوَدُ (Aswadu)سُودٌ (Sudun)سَوْدَاءُ (Sawdaa')سَوْدَاوَاتٌ (Sawdawaat)
Greenأَخْضَرُ (Akhdharu)خُضْرٌ (Khudrun)خَضْرَاءُ (Khadraa')خَضْرَاوَاتٌ (Khudraawaat)
Redأَحْمَرُ (Ahmaru)حُمْرٌ (Humrun)حَمْرَاءُ (Hamraa')حَمْرَاوَاتٌ (Hamraawaat)
Yellowأَصْفَرُ (Asfaru)صُفْرٌ (Sufrun)صَفْرَاءُ (Safraa')صَفْرَاوَاتٌ (Safrawaat)
Blueأَزْرَقُ (Azraqu)زُرْقٌ (Zurqun)زَرْقَاءُ (Zarqaa')زَرْقَاوَاتٌ (Zarqawaat)
Brownأَسْمَرُ (Asmaru)سُمْرٌ (Sumrun)سَمْرَاءُ (Samraa')سَمْرَاوَاتٌ (Samraawaat)

Additional Notes: More Colours

1. Pink in Arabic: وَرْدِيٌّ (wardiyyun).

2. Purple/violet in Arabic: بَنَفْسَجِيّ (banafsajiyyun).

3. Grey in Arabic: رَمادِيٌّ (ramaadiyyun).

4. Orange in Arabic: بُرتُقَالِيّ (burtuqaaliyyun).


Sentence examples using color words in Arabic with English translation

agreement between color and noun in Arabic

1. هَذَا قَمِيْصٌ أَسْوَدُ (hadhaa qamiiṣun abyaḍu)
In English: This is a white shirt.


a. هَذَا = demonstrative pronoun for singular masculine noun, and the object is near the speaker.
b. قَمِيْصٌ = singular masculine noun => "a shirt".

c. أَسْوَدُ = color in singular masculine form => "white".

2. هَذِهِ حَقِيْبَةٌ سَوْدَاءُ (haadhihi ḥaqiibatun sawdaa-u)
English translation: This is a black bag.


a. هَذِهِ = demonstrative pronoun for singular feminine noun, and the object is near the speaker.

b. حَقِيْبَةٌ = singular feminine noun => "a bag".

c. سَوْدَاءُ = singular feminine form of the color "black".

3. عِنْدِي كُرَةٌ خَضْرَاءُ ('indii kuratun khaḍraa-u).
It means: I have a green ball.


a. عِنْدِي ('indii) means I have.

b. كُرَةٌ = singular feminine noun => "a ball".

 c. خَضْرَاءُ = singular feminine form of the color "green".

4. ذَالِكَ قَلَمٌ أَسْمَرُ (dhaalika qalamun asmaru)
means: That is a brown pen.


a. ذَالِكَ = demonstrative pronoun for singular masculine noun, and the object is far from the speaker.

b. قَلَمٌ = singular masculine noun => "a pen".

c. أَسْمَرُ = singular masculine form of the color "brown".

5.  هُوَ رَجُلٌ أَبْيَضُ (huwa rajulun abyadu).

The meaning: He is a white person.

- هُوَ: pronoun for 3rd person, singular, masculine => "he".

- رَجُلٌ: singular masculine noun => "male person".

- أَبْيَضُ: color in singular masculine form => white.

6. هِيَ مَرْأَةٌ بَيْضَاءُ (hiya mar-atun baidaa-u).

The meaning: She is a white person.

- هِيَ: pronoun for 3rd person, singular, feminine => "she"

- مَرْأَةٌ: singular feminine noune => "female person"

- بَيْضَاءُ: color in singular feminine form => "white"


1. Colors in Arabic have both masculine and feminine forms, then each form has singular and plural form.

2. The masculine form of a color is used when describing a masculine noun, and the feminine form is used when describing a feminine noun.