A Glossary of Words | Durus al-Lughah al-Arabiyyah 1 Chapter 1 | Arabic - English

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I have written the vocabularies which are found in durus al-lughah al-'arabiyya.

In this article, I will show you the vocabularies which are located in book 1, chapter 1.

arabic vocabulary with english translation durus al-lughah 1 lesson 1


a. You have to enlarge the (zoom) the browser to read the Arabic word easier if you feel the Arabic font' size is small.

b. I will write singular form first, then a plural form of the noun.

c. Several nouns have more than one plural forms, I just write one of them. You can read another form in the Arabic-English dictionary.

d. If you want to know how to read the Arabic words, watch the video below.

A Glossary of Words used in Madina Book - Durus al-lughah al-Arabiyyah 1 Chapter 1

1. هَذَا means this.

2. بَيْتٌ  = a house. => singular form
بُيُوْتٌ  = houses. => plural form

list of glossary words used in durusul lughah 1

3. مَسْجِدٌ = a masjid (mosque).
مَسَاجِدُ = mosques.

4. بَابٌ = a door.
أَبْوَابٌ = doors.

5. كِتَابٌ = a book.
كُتُبٌ = books.

6. قَلَمٌ = a pen.
أَقْلاَمٌ = pens.

7. مِفْتَاحٌ = a key.
مَفَاتِيْحُ = keys.

8. مَكْتَبٌ = a desk.
مَكَاتِبُ = desks.

9. سَرِيْرٌ =  a bed.
سُرُرٌ = beds.

10. كُرْسِيٌّ = a chair.
كَرَاسِيُّ  = chairs.

11. قَمِيْصٌ = a shirt.
قُمْصَانٌ = shirts.

12. نَجْمٌ = a star.
نُجُوْمٌ  = stars.

13. طَبِيْبٌ = a doctor.
أَطِبَّاءُ  = doctors.

14. وَلَدٌ = a boy (child).
أَوْلاَدٌ = boys (children).

15. طَالِبٌ = a student.
طُلاَّبٌ = students.

16. رَجُلٌ = a man.
رِجَالٌ = men.

17. تَاجِرٌ = a trader.
تُجَّارٌ = traders.

18. كَلْبٌ = a dog.
 كِلَابٌ  = dogs.

19. قِطٌّ = a cat.
قِطَاطٌ = cats.

20. حِمَارٌ = a donkey.
حُمُرٌ = donkeys.

21. حِصَانٌ = a horse.
 حُصُنٌ = horses.

22. جَمَلٌ = a camel.
جِمَالٌ = camels.

23. دِيْكٌ = a rooster.
دُيُوكٌ = roosters.

24. مُدَرِّسٌ = a teacher.
مُدَرِّسُوْنَ = teachers.

25. مِنْدِيْلٌ = a handkerchief.
مَنَادِيلُ = handkerchiefs.

The video version of Arabic Words used in Madina Book 1 Chapter 1