Arabic Words for Family Members: Nouns & Verbs With Sentence Examples


List of family members words (Arabic and English)

  • أُسْرَةٌ (usratun): family
  • أُمٌّ (ummun): mother
  • أَبٌ (abun): father
  • أَخٌ (akhun): brother
  • أُخْتٌ (ukhtun): sister
  • جَدٌّ (jaddun): grandfather
  • جَدَّةٌ (jaddatun): grandmother 


 Sentence Examples in Arabic with English translation

أَنَا أَحْمَدُ , تِلْمِيذٌ فِي اَلصَّفِّ اَلثَّانِي اَلْمُتَوَسِّطِ
The meaning: I'm Ahmad, and I'm in 2nd grade of Junior High School.

هَذَا أَبِي, اِسْمُهُ زَيْدٌ, يَعْمَلُ مُهَنْدِسًا
The meaning: This is my father, his name is Zaid, he works as an engineer.

هَذِهِ أُمِّي, اِسْمُهَا مَرْيَمُ, تَعْمَلُ مُدَرِّسَةً
The meaning: This is my mother, her name is Maryam, she works as a teacher.

يَلْعَبُ أَخِي مَعَ أُخْتِي كُرَةَ القَدَمِ
The meaning: My brother plays football with my sister.

يَزُورُ الجَدُّ عَائِلَتَهُ
The meaning: The grandfather visits his family.

أَنَا أُحِبُّ أُسْرَتِي
The meaning: I love my family.

List of Words from the sentence Examples


  • تِلْمِيذٌ (tilmiidhun): student
  • صَفٌّ (saffun): rank; grade
  • ثَانٍ (thaanin): second
  • مُتَوَسِّطٌ (mutawassitun): medium; middle
  • اسْمٌ (ismun): name
  • مُهَنْدِسٌ (muhandisun): engineer
  • كُرَةُ القَدَمِ (kuratul qadami): soccer; football
  • عَائِلَةٌ ('aa-ilatun): family
  • مُدَرِّسٌ (mudarrisun): teacher


  •  عَمِلَ - يَعْمَلُ ('amila - ya'malu): work
  • لَعِبَ - يَلْعَبُ (la'iba - yal'abu): play
  • زَارَ - يَزُورُ (zaara - yazuuru): visit
  • أَحَبَّ - يُحِبُّ (ahabba - yuhibbu): love


From the sentence examples, we learn the following:

1. In " تِلْمِيذٌ فِي اَلصَّفِّ اَلثَّانِي اَلْمُتَوَسِّطِ", the word "مُتَوَسِّطٌ " in this context means "junior high school".

2. We learn Subject Pronoun and Possessive Adjective. You can read in the table below.

personal pronoun and possessive adjective in arabic and english

See the 2nd sentence example:

  • أَبِي (abii) means my father.
  • اِسْمُهُ (ismuhu) means his name.

 3. In this sentence "يَعْمَلُ مُهَنْدِسًا":

  • يَعْمَلُ is fi'l mudari' (فعل المضارع) which means work.
  • يَعْمَلُ is fi'l mudari' of  3rd person masculine singular form. 
  • مُهَنْدِسًا is in accusative case (منصوب), because it is a maf'ul or it explains about the father's occupation.

4.  In this sentence "يَلْعَبُ أَخِي مَعَ أُخْتِي كُرَةَ القَدَمِ":

  • يَلْعَبُ is fi'l mudari' which means play.
  • أَخِي fa'il (فاعل) or the 'doer'.
  • كُرَةَ is object (مفعول به), it is in accusative case (منصوب), the indication of the nasb is fat-hah "a".
  • In this phrase "كُرَةَ القَدَمِ", kurata is mudaf (مضاف), whereas al-qadami is mudaf ilaih (مضاف إليه) and it is in genitive case (مجرور).

5.  In this sentence "يَزُورُ الجَدُّ عَائِلَتَهُ":

  • يَزُورُ is fi'l mudari' (3rd person masculine singular form).
  • الجَدُّ is fa'il (فاعل) or the 'doer'.
  • عَائِلَةَ is maf'ul bih (مفعول به) or object.

6. In this sentence "أَنَا أُحِبُّ أُسْرَتِي":

  • أُحِبُّ is fi'l mudari' (1st person singular form).
  • The root verb of أُحِبُّ is "أَحَبَّ - يُحِبُّ"

 7. We learn the following demonstrative pronoun in Arabic:

  • هَذَا : demonstrative pronoun (اسم الإشارة) for masculine singular and near distance. It means "this".
  • هَذِهِ : demonstrative pronoun for feminine singular and near distance. It means "this".


  • هَذَ أَبِي : This is my father.
  • هَذِهِ أُمِّي : This is my mother.


1. Write "our grandfather" in Arabic ...

2. Write "her mother" in Arabic ...

3. Write "his family" in Arabic ...

4. Write "She is a student" in Arabic ...

5. Write "My mom works as an engineer" in Arabic ...

6. Translate "لَعِبَ أَخِي الكُرَةَ القَدَمِ" into English ...

7. Translate "Ahmad loves his mother" into Arabic ...

8. Translate "My grandpa visited his family" into Arabic ...

9. Write "This is her grandmother" in Arabic ...

10. What is the meaning of "هَذِهِ أُخْتِي" in English?

 If you want to get the key answer, please comment at the comment section below.