5 Sentences About Car in Arabic

Are you ready to take your Arabic language skills to the next level? Let's put your vocabulary knowledge to the test and practice crafting a simple sentence in Arabic together. 



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Today, we will focus on the word "car" and make a simple sentence using this word in Arabic.

Watch the video: 5 Sentence Examples Using the Word Car in Arabic

What is the Arabic name for car?

The car in Arabic is سَيَّارَةٌ (sayyaaratun).

سَيَّارَةٌ is singular form.

The plural form of  سَيَّارَةٌ is سَيَّارَاتٌ (sayyaaraatun).


A car: سَيَّارَةٌ (sayyaarah).

Cars: سَيَّارَاتٌ  (sayyaaraat).

Now, let's practice making a simple sentence using the word "car" in Arabic.

5 Sentence Examples About Car in Arabic


1. أَحْبَبْتُ السَّيَّارَةَ, إِنَّهَا مُمْتِعَةٌ (ahbabtu as-sayyaarah, innahaa mumti'atun).

The meaning: I love the car, it's really enjoyable.


I love the car, it's really enjoyable in Arabic

A word by word translation and sentence structure explanation

a. أَحْبَبْتُ : I love.

The root verb of أَحْبَبْتُ  is أَحَبَّ (ahabba).

أَحَبَّ is fi'l madi.

Fi'l mudari of أَحَبَّ is يُحِبُّ (yuhibbu).

b. إِنَّ: indeed, really.

c. هَا is pronoun.
It is referring to السَّيَّارَة.

السَّيَّارَة is feminine singular noun, so the pronoun we must use is pronoun for feminine singular "هَا".

d. مُمْتِعَةٌ: enjoyable; entertaining; delightful.

مُمْتِعَةٌ is feminine singular noun. It is describing السَّيَّارَة which is feminine singular noun.

2. هَذِهِ سَيَّارَةٌ جَيِّدَةٌ (hadhihi sayyaaratun jayyidatun).
The meaning: This is a good car.

This is a good car in Arabic

A word by word translation and sentence structure explanation

a. هَذِهِ: this

هَذِهِ is demonstrative pronoun for singular feminine and near distance.

It is pointing to سَيَّارَةٌ which is feminine singular noun, so the demonstrative pronoun we must use is demonstrative pronoun for singular feminine "هَذِهِ".

b. سَيَّارَةٌ: a car

سَيَّارَةٌ is singular feminine noun.

c. جَيِّدَةٌ: good.

جَيِّدَةٌ is feminine singular. The masculine singular form of جَيِّدَةٌ is جَيِّدٌ.

جَيِّدَةٌ is adjective that describes the noun سَيَّارَةٌ.

جَيِّدَةٌ is in feminine singular form because it agrees with سَيَّارَةٌ that is feminine singular.

سَيَّارَةٌ جَيِّدَةٌ is adjective & noun construction. In Arabic is called na't wa man'ut.

3. تِلْكَ سَيَّارَةُ زَيْدٍ (tilka sayyaaratu zaidin).
The meaning: That is Zaid's car.

That is zaid's car in Arabic

A word by word translation and sentence structure explanation

a. تِلْكَ: that.

تِلْكَ is demonstrative pronoun for feminine singular and far distance.

تِلْكَ is used because it is pointing to noun "سَيَّارَةُ" that is feminine singular.

b. سَيَّارَةُ زَيْدٍ: Zaid's car.

سَيَّارَةُ زَيْدٍ is genitive construction.

سَيَّارَةُ is called مضاف (mudaf), whereas زَيْدٍ is called مضاف إليه (mudaf ilaih).

زَيْدٍ is in genitive case (مجرور).

The indication of majrur is kasrah "i".

4. أَيْنَ وِلْيَمُ؟ هُوَ فِي السَّيَّارَةِ (ayna Wilyamu? huwa fi as-sayyaarati).
The meaning: Where is William? He is in the car.


William is in the car in Arabic.

A word by word translation and sentence structure explanation

a. أَيْنَ: where

It is اِسْمُ اسْتِفْهَامٍ لِلْمَكَانٍ (interrogative noun to ask question about location or place).

b. وِلْيَمُ: William.

وِلْيَمُ has no tanwin (it is wilyamu, not wilyamun).

In Arabic grammar, this noun is called ممنوع من الصرف (mamnu' min as-sarf) or the noun that do not accept tanwin or nunation.

Foreign name (عجم) like وِلْيَمُ (william), إِدْوَرْدُ (Edward), and so on are indeed considered to be mamnu' min as-sarf.

c. هُوَ: he

It is 3rd person, masculine, singular pronoun. It is referring to William.

d. فِي السَّيَّارَةِ: in the car.

فِي السَّيَّارَةِ is جَر ومجرور (jar and majrur) construction.

فِي is har jar, whereas السَّيَّارَةِ is ism majrur.

5. السَّائِقُ يَقُودُ السَّيَّارَةَ (as-saa-iqu yaquudu as-sayyaarata)
The meaning: The driver drives the car

The driver drives the car in Arabic

A word by word translation and sentence structure explanation

a. السَّائِقُ: the driver

سَائِقٌ is اسم فاعل (ism fa'il) of the root verb سَاقَ (saaqa).

Fi'l madi - fi'l mudari' are written respectively: سَاقَ - يَسُوقُ (saaqa - yasuuqu).

b. يَقُودُ: drive

يَقُودُ is fi'l mudari'.

The fi'l madi is قَادَ (qaada).


قَادَ - يَقُودُ means drive.

It can be used for drive a ship, drive a plane, etc.


- يَقُودُ السَّفِينَةَ: He drives the ship (He sails the ship or He navigates the ship).

- يَقُودُ الطَّائِرَةَ: He drives the airplane (He flies the airplane).

c.  السَّيَّارَةَ: the car.

السَّيَّارَةَ is in mansub or accusative case because it is مفعول به (an object). The indication of mansub is fat-hah "a".