Short story in Arabic - In the Garden - فِي الْحَدِيْقَةِ

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Learning Arabic by studying Arabic vocabulary through short story.

I will explain you word by word. After mentioning Arabic word, I will show you the translation in English.

I will also explain you the basic word of verb, noun (singular and plural form), etc.

Short story in arabic and english - in the garden

In the Garden - فِي الْحَدِيْقَةِ

أَنَا وَ أَبِيْ وَ أَحْمَد وَ فَاطِمَةُ وَ مُحَمَّدٌ فِي الْحَدِيْقَةِ
I, my father, Ahmad, Fatima, and Muhammad are in the garden

أَبِيْ يُزِيلُ الْعُشْبَ ثُمَّ يَزْرَعُ الفُوْل
My father removes the grass and then plants the bean

أَحْمَدُ يَسْقِي الزَّهْرَ بِدَلْوٍ كَبِيْرٍ
Ahmad waters the flowers with a big watering can

فَاطِمَةُ تَسْقِي الزَّهْرَ أَحْمَدُ يَسْقِي الزَّهْرَ بِدَلْوٍ صَغِيْرٍ
Fatima waters the flowers with a small watering can

سَقَيْنَا الزَّرْعَ بِوَلْدٍ أَمْسِ
We watered the plant with a watering bucket yesterday

مُحَمَّدٌ يَعْلِفُ الأَسْمَاكَ
Muhammad feeds the fish

Word explanation

1. يُزِيلُ  

- يُزِيلُ  means remove.

- يُزِيلُ   is fi'il mudhari' => He is removing / He removes.

- Fi'il madi => أَزَالَ

- أَزَالَ  => He removed.

2. عُشْبٌ

- عُشْبٌ means grass.

- عُشْبٌ  is singular form.

- Plural form of  عُشْبٌ  is  أَعْشَابٌ

- أَعْشَابٌ = grasses

3. ثُمَّ 

-  ثُمَّ  = then; afterward; after that

4. يَزْرَعُ 

- يَزْرَعُ  means plant; cultivate; grow

- يَزْرَعُ   is fi'il mudhari'  => He plants / He cultivates

- Fi'il madi -> زَرَعَ

- زَرَعَ  = He planted

5. فُولٌ 

- فُولٌ  means beans.

- فُولٌ   is plural form.

- Singular form of  فُولٌ    is فُوْلَةُ

- فُوْلَةُ = bean.

6. يَسْقِي 

- يَسْقِي  means water; pour water

- يَسْقِي   is fi'il mudhari' => He waters / He pours the water

- Fi'il madhi => سَقَى

- سَقَى  = He watered

7. زَهْرٌ

- زَهْرٌ means flowers.

- زَهْرٌ  is plural form of flower.

- Singular form of زَهْرٌ   is  زَهْرَةٌ

8. دَلْوٌ

- دَلْوٌ means a bucket; pail; water can

9. كَبِيرٌ

- كَبِيرٌ means big.

10. تَسْقِي

- تَسْقِي means She is watering / She waters

- تَسْقِي is fi'il mudhari.

- Fi'il madi of تَسْقِي  is  سَقَتْ

- سَقَتْ means She watered.

11. صَغِيْرٍ

- صَغِيْرٍ is small.

12. سَقَيْنَا

- سَقَيْنَا  means We watered.

- سَقَيْنَا is fi'il madi.

- Fi'il mudari of  سَقَيْنَا  is نَسْقِي

- نَسْقِي  means we are watering /  we water.

13. زَرْعٌ

- زَرْعٌ means plant.

14. أَمْسِ

- أَمْسِ means yesterday

15. يَعْلِفُ 

- يَعْلِفُ  means feed

- يَعْلِفُ  is fi'il mudari which means He feeds.

- Fi'il madi of  يَعْلِفُ  is عَلَفَ

- عَلَفَ  means He fed.

16. أَسْمَاكٌ

- أَسْمَاكٌ means fish / fishes

- أَسْمَاكٌ is plural form.

- Singular form of  أَسْمَاكٌ  is  سَمَكٌ

- سَمَكٌ = a fish.

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