Exercises: Questions and Answers | Durusul Lughah Vol 1 Lesson 1

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You have read and learn the previous two lessons, haven't you? This time I encourage you to deepen your understanding of the lessons. Let's get started!

questions and answers durusul lughah 1 chapter 1

Exercise 1


exercises durusul lughah volume 1 lesson 1 maa hadha


Look at the picture, then change the name into Arabic. 

a key = مِفْتَاحٌ
a book = كِتَابٌ
a pen = قَلَمٌ
a door = بَابٌ
a house = بَيْتٌ
a chair = كُرْسِيٌّ

questions and answers durusul lughah book 1 chapter 1: maa hadha

So, the answers are:

هَذَا مِفْتَاحٌ
هَذَا كِتَابٌ
هَذَا قَلَمٌ
هَذَا بَابٌ
هَذَا بَيْتٌ
هَذَا كُرْسِيٌّ


تَمْرِيْنٌ (tamriinun) = exercise, practice, drill.

Plural form of  is تَمَارِيْنُ (tamaariinu).

Exercise 2


exercises durusul lughah 1 lesson 1: hamzah istifham for yes/no questions


The answer to the yes/no question.
نَعَمْ = yes.
لاَ = no.

Look at the picture, then change the name into Arabic. 

مَسْجِدٌ = a mosque
قَلَمٌ = a pen
قَمِيْصٌ = a shirt
نَجْمٌ = a star

question and answers durusul lughah book 1 chapter 1 : hamzah istifhaam ا

So, the answers

لاَ, هَذَا مَسْجِدٌ (No, this is a mosque)
لاَ, هَذَا قَلَمٌ (No, this is a pen)

نَعَمْ, هَذَا قَمِيْصٌ (Yes, this is a shirt)
نَعَمْ, هَذَا نَجْمٌ (Yes, this is a star)

Exercises 3

exercises reading arabic text without harakat: durusul lughah 1 chapter 1

This is how to read the Arabic text correctly. Pay attention to the following text.

هَذَا مَكْتَبٌ = This is a desk.
هَذَا مَسْجِدٌ = This is  a mosque.
هَذَا قَلَمٌ = This is a pen.
هَذَا سَرِيْرٌ = This is a bed.
مَا هَذَا؟ = What is this?
هَذَا كُرْسِيٌّ = This is a chair.
أَهَذَا بَيْتٌ؟ = Is this a house?
لاَ, هَذَا مَسْجِدٌ = No, this is a mosque,
مَا هَذَا؟ هَذَ مِفْتَاحٌ = What is this? This is a key.


اِقْرَأْ = read.
اِقْرَأْ is in فعل أمر (fi'l amr) form or command verb.

Base verb of اِقْرَأْ  is قَرَأَ - يَقْرَأُ (qara-a ; yaqra-u).

اُكْتُبْ = write.
Base verb of اُكْتُبْ  is كَتَبَ - يَكْتُبُ (kataba - yaktubu).

New vocabulary

تَمْرِيْنٌ = exercise; drill; practice

قَرَأَ - يَقْرَأُ - اِقْرَأْ = read

كَتَبَ - يَكْتُبُ - اُكْتُبْ = write

I recommend you re-study the related lesson materials here: