An Introduction to Arabic Verb: فعل

After learning four qualities of  Arabic noun (ism), let's continue on learning Arabic verb (fi'l).

At the first lesson, I explain you an introduction to verb in Arabic.


Introduction to Arabic verb

Introduction to verb (fi'l) in Arabic will explain four items, they are:

1. The definition of فعل (fi'l)

2. The examples of fi'l

3. Three types of fi'l

4. Root verb


Let's discuss the first one.

What is fi'l (فِعْلٌ)?

Fi'l is a word that gives a meaning (usually an action) and a specific time when that action took place.

So, fi'l is an action word in relation to time that are past, present, and future.

Example of f'il 

 ذَهَبَ (dhahaba) = He went.

This word has two indications, they are:

1. The meaning: the meaning of going/the action of going.
2. The particular time when the going took place, it is in the past.

يَذْهَبُ (yadh-habu) = He is going.

This word has two indications, they are: the action of going and the particular time when the going took place is in the present.


Three types of fi'l

Based on a time, there are three types of f'il (فِعْلٌ)

1. المَضِي (al-madi): An action that occured in the past.

Example: ذَهَبَ = he went.

2. المُضَارِعُ (al-mudaari'): An action that is occuring in the present.

Example: يَذْهَبُ (yadh-habu) = he is going.

3. الأَمْرُ (al-amr): describe an action that is meant to occur in the future.

al-amr is in imperative form (command form).

Example: اِذْهَبْ (idh-hab) = go!

Root verb

If we want to understand the meaning of a word, we have to know the root word, so we can look for the meaning in Arabic dictionary.

The characteristics of root verb is => al-madi (الماضي) form, it is commonly built from three letters, and is 3rd person masculine singular.

wazan or scale of root verb fa'ala

The wazan of root verb is فَعَلَ (fa'ala)


دَرَّسَ (darrasa) = teach.

The root verb of darrasa is =>   دَرَسَ (darasa) that means study.

Video lesson about Arabic verb introduction

The video below is dedicated to you who want to get understanding by watching a video lesson.



Summary of  fi'l in a diagram


arabic verb or fi'l lesson summary

That's all for today. 

We will discuss four qualities of Arabic verb in the next lesson. in shaa Allah.