Arabic Vocabularies & Sentence Examples: Weather & Climate


Weather and climate in Arabic with English meaning

Listen carefully in the video below to know and memorize the words.



1. Assalamu'alaykum.
Today we are going to learn Arabic vocabulary that is related to weather and climate.

2. First, I will mention the Arabic word, then You will know the meaning in English.

3. Let's start.

al-jawwu (الجَوُّ) = weather.

4. matar (مَطَرٌ) = rain

5. sahwun (صَحْوٌ) = sunny

6. ghaa-im (غَائِمٌ) = cloudy

7. shitaa-u (شِتَاءٌ) = winter

8. saifun (صَيْفٌ) = summer

9. rabii'un  (رَبِيْعٌ) = spring

10. khariifun (خرِيْفٌ) = autumn

11. Now, let's see the sentence examples.

12. kaifa al-jawwu fii landan? (كَيْفَ الجَوُّ فِي لَنْدَن؟) = How is the weather in London?

13. al-jawwu haarun (الجَوُّ حَارٌّ) = The weather is hot.

14. al-jawwu baaridun (الجَوُّ بَارِدٌ) = The weather is cold.

15. al-jawwu jamiilun (الجَوُّ جَمِيْلٌ) = The weather is good.

16. darajatu al-haraarati 'isyruuna (دَرَجَةُ الحَرَارَةِ عِشْرُونَ) = The temperature is 20 degree.

17. al-hawaa-u naqiyyun (الهَوَاءُ نَقِيٌّ) = The air is fresh.

18. al-yawma shadiidu al-haraarati (اليَوْمَ شَدِيْدُ الحَرَارَةِ) = It's very hot today.

19. al-yawma shadiidul bardi (اليَوْمَ شَدِ]ْدُ البَرْدِ) = It's very cold today.

20. That's all for today. I hope this lesson benefits you.
You can repeat the lesson until getting good understanding and memorization.
I recommend you to read the text version in
Thank you for watching. Wassalamu'alaikum

Bonus vocabularies

Below are the related Arabic vocabularies with English meaning.

1. فَصْلٌ = faslun = season.

Examples :

- فَصْلُ الشِّتَاءِ = faslu ash-shitaa-i = winter season

- فَصْلُ الصَّيْفِ = faslu as-saifi = summer season

2. فَيَضَانُ = fayadaanu = flood

3. بَرْقٌ = barqun = lightning

4. شَمْسٌ = shamsun = sun

5. قَمَرٌ = qamarun = moon

6. نَجْمٌ = najmun = star