The recommended ebook that helps you master Arabic vocabulary

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To whom do I dedicate this ebook?

This pdf ebook is devoted to you who are learning and want to master Arabic vocabulary.

If you want to memorize the most common Arabic words, this book will benefit you.


sell ebook learn arabic words singular plural nouns

Part of speech

There are three parts of speech in Arabic. They are اسْمٌ (noun), فِعْلٌ (verb), حَرْفٌ (particle).

You will find the noun both in singular form and plural form in this ebook, because this ebook focuses on nouns, especially singular and plural nouns.

I will show you the everyday Arabic words that contain verbs and particles in the next ebook.

Step to learn new Arabic vocabulary

I will tell you the best practices, you should start from the easiest words.

Memorizing the noun is easier than the verb.

A noun has only three forms. They are singular form, dual, and plural form.

The dual form has a simple pattern and you can follow the pattern if you want to change the noun from singular to dual form.

If you find a new word, especially a singular noun. You have to hear Arabic speaker (native) or browse the Arabic dictionary to find a plural form of the noun. Once you get it, you must memorize them.

Plural form has to be memorized. That's why I only focus on singular and plural forms.

Notice a verb. If you find a new word, that is a verb. You have to know verb conjugation. It means you have to know fi'l madi, fi'l mudari', fi'l amr.

Each fi'l has a particular form based on a fa'il such as هُوَ, هُمَا , هُمْ, etc.

In addition to this, you have to know the active and passive forms, for example :

كَتَبَ = wrote (this is an active form, in Arabic, we call it fi'l ma'luum).

كُتِبَ = be + written (this is a passive form, in Arabic, we call it fi'l majhuul).

The conclusion is : memorizing the noun is easier than memorizing the verb. Therefore, as a student or beginners the first step you have to memorize is to memorize the noun.

Why is memorizing nouns both singular and plural forms so important?

In our daily conversation, books, Quran, nouns are mentioned a lot.

Observe this ayah of the Quran


singular and plural nouns examples in Quran


See the ayah above, you must be notice that the number of noun is more than verb and harf (particle).  Therefore, if you have memorized the nouns both in singular and plural form, you will be able to translate the Arabic sentence.

Once you’ve memorized the noun, then you can start memorizing the verb with it’s conjugation.

What benefits do you get from this ebook?

This ebook contains everyday words, the words that are used in daily conversation, the most common nouns in both singular and plural forms, and worksheets to let you do some writing exercises.

You can do some exercises while you memorize the words.

You can print the worksheets and learn with your kids together.

How do I get this ebook?

Download here.

Let's master Arabic vocabulary.

Learn Arabic words, memorize them, do the exercises with your kids, and enjoy quality time with your family.

I recap, you can download the ebook with only USD 5.5 here.


arabic vocabulary lists pdf ebook


Sample Content


Below are the sample content. It contains singular noun then the plural form. 



sample content- ebook pdf arabic vocabulary
Singular and plural noun|everyday & the most common Arabic vocabulary lists

You can practice writing Arabic by connecting the dots. 


writing to memorize arabic vocabulary lists
Writing activity to memorize the Arabic words


 Writing the Arabic words can make you memorize the words easier.

This is a classic and proven method to memorize vocabulary.

You must try it.

Master the most common Arabic vocabulary. Get Your eBook Now.