Arabic Letters in English: Pronunciation and Transliteration

Today, we are going to learn Arabic letters (the Arabic alphabet), they way of pronouncing them, and the transliteration.



Below are Arabic letters.

Notes :

I wrote the letters in the following pattern :

Arabic letters => pronunciation => transliteration

Example : letter:  ا => pronunciation: أَلِف  => transliteration: alif

Arabic letters

ا => pronunciation أَلِف  => alif

ب => pronunciation بَاء => bā'

ت => pronunciation تَاء => tā'

ث => pronunciation تَاء => thā'

ج => pronunciation جِيم => jīm

ح => pronunciation حَاء => ḥa'

خ => pronunciation خَاء => khā'

د => pronunciation دَال => dāl

ذ => pronunciation ذَال => dhāl

ر => pronunciation رَاء => rā'

ز => pronunciation زَاي => zāi

س => pronunciation سِين => sīn

ش => pronunciation شِين  => shīn

ص => pronunciation صَاد => ṣād

ض => pronunciation ضَاد => ḍād

ط => pronunciation طَاء => ṭā'

ظ => pronunciation ظَاء => ẓā'

ع => pronunciation عَين => 'ayn

غ => pronunciation غَين => ghayn

ف => pronunciation فَاء => fā'

ق => pronunciation قَاف => qāf

ك => pronunciation كَاف => kāf

ل => pronunciation لَام => lām

م => pronunciation مِيم => mīm

ن => pronunciation نُون  => nūn

و => pronunciation وَاو => wāw

ه => pronunciation هَاء => hā'

ء => pronunciation هَمْزَة  => hamzah

ي => pronunciation يَاء => yā'

Arabic letters in English (pictures)


the pronunciation and transliteration of arabic letters

Arabic letters in English (pdf book)


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