Enrich Your Vocabulary: Parts of the Time in Arabic | Singular & Plural Form

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This is a lesson for increasing your Arabic vocabulary. The subject you will to learn today is parts of the time.

parts of time in arabic


I will inform you the level of the time start form the longest to the shortest.


Parts of the time in Arabic


I express singular form (مفرد) first, then plural form (جمغ).


1. Singular :  قَرْنٌ 

Plural : قُرُونٌ 

The meaning : century; age; generation

For the sake of simplicity, I construct simple format of above arrangement. 

Notice the following format:

قَرْنٌ  - قُرُونٌ  = century; age; generation


parts of time in arabic - singular and plural form


In the next number, I will write the words with this format.

2. سَنَةٌ  - سَنَوَاتٌ  = year

3. شَهْرٌ  - شُهُورٌ = month

notes: The plural form of شَهْرٌ  are شُهُورٌ and شُهُورٌ 


4.  أُسْبُوْعٌ  - أَسَابِيعُ  = week

5. يَوْمٌ  - أَيَّامٌ  = day

6. سَاعَةٌ  -  سَاعَاتٌ  = hour

7. دَقِيْقَةٌ  -  دَقَائِقُ = minute

8. ثَانِيَةٌ  - ثَوَانٍ = second

Alhamdulillah, you've already known the singular and plural form of  the level of the time.

I recommend you to go up to a higher level of your vocabulary by learning and memorizing other topics.


Video version 

You can learn also by watching the following video lesson:



Browse the following link to what vocabulary you will learn, what learning activities you will do, and so on : Singular & Plural nouns in Arabic