Inna and La'alla - Durusul lughah book 2 - lesson 1

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Start from today, we are going to learn Arabic lesson from the most known book among Arabic student, namely Durusul lughah al-arabiyyah.

We start from Durusul lughah volume 2, lesson 1. If you want to learn Durusul lughah book 1, you can learn them here

rules and sentence examples inna and la'alla

Lesson 1 - Durusul lughah Book 2

Observe the picture below.

durusul lughah book 2 chapter 1 : inna and la'alla

In the picture, you can read a conversation between teacher and student. 

There are some sentences that is underlined. These are the subject that we are going to learn.

There are two words that we are going to learn, they are :

1. إِنَّ (inna)

2. لَعَلَّ (la'alla)

First of all, let's study إِنَّ

إِنَّ : the meaning, function, and the rules about inna

What is إِنَّ?

إِنَّ : حرف نَصْب

إِنَّ : ينصب الاسم وَ يرفع الخبر

Inna is harf nasb, it make ism (ism inna) in accusative case (mansub/مَنصُوب). Then it makes khabar inna in nominative case (marfu'/مَرْفُوع).

The function of إِنَّ

إِنَّ is used to emphasize a statement, emphasize your answer, or emphasize what you have just said.

Inna means : indeed, actually, really, certainly, definitely, surely, verily, no doubt.

The sentence examples of إِنَّ

inna which goes into pronoun or damir (ضمير)

- هُوَ تَاجِرٌ 

The meaning: He is a merchant.

هُوَ تَاجِرٌ is nominal sentence (جملة اسميّة).

هُوَ in this nominal sentence is مُبْتَدَأ (subject), whereas تَاجِرٌ is خَبَر (predicate).

إِنَّ can go into nominal sentence, then مُبْتَدَأ becomes ism inna (اسم إنّ) and خَبَر becomes khabar inna (خبر إنّ).

When إِنَّ goes into this sentence, damir هُوَ becomes هُ , it is in accusative case. Then تَاجِرٌ is in nominative case.

Finally, the sentence becomes  إِنَّهُ تَاجِرٌ (indeed, he is a merchant.)

Observe the picture below to summarize the explanation above.

inna goes into damir with sentence examples

هُوَ   إِنَّهُ تَاجِرٌ

هُمَا   إِنَّهُمَا تَاجِرَانِ

هُمْ   إِنَّهُمْ تُجَّارٌ 

هِيَ   إِنَّهَا تَاجِرَةٌ

هُمَا      إِنَّهُمَا تَاجِرَتَانِ

هُنَّ   إِنَّهُنَّ تَاجِرَاتٌ

أَنْتَ   إِنَّكَ تَاجِرٌ

أَنْتُمَا   إِنَّكُمَا تَاجِرَانِ

أَنْتُمْ   إِنَّكُمْ تُجَّارٌ

أَنْتِ   إِنَّكِ تَاجِرَةٌ

أَنْتُمَا   إِنَّكُمَا تَاجِرَتَانِ

أَنْتُنَّ   إِنَّكُنَّ تَاجِرَاتٌ

أَنَا    إِنَّنِي تَاجِرٌ 

نَحْنُ   إِنَّنَا تُجَّارٌ


إِنَّنِي  can be replaced with إِنِّي

إِنَّنَا can be replaced with إِنَّا

إنَّ and sentence examples with english translation

inna which goes into noun

- المُدَرِّسُ جَدِيْدٌ 

The meaning: The teacher is new.

المُدَرِّسُ جَدِيْدٌ is nominal sentence (jumlah ismiyyah).

المُدَرِّسُ in this nominal sentence is subject or mubtada', whereas جَدِيْدٌ  is predicate or khabar.

When إِنَّ go into this sentence, المُدَرِّسُ is no longer called mubtada', it becomes ism inna, and جَدِيْدٌ becomes khabar inna.

So, المُدَرِّسُ is in accusative case (mansub) => المُدَرِّسَ (al-mudarrisa), whereas جَدِيْدٌ is in nominative case (marfu') => جَدِيْدٌ

Finally the sentence becomes => إِنَّ المُدَرِّسَ جَدِيْدٌ (indeed, the teacher is new).

Observe the summary in the picture below.

the rules of inna and sentence examples

لَعَلَّ : the meaning, function, and the rules about la'alla

What is لَعَلَّ?

لَعَلَّ : حرف نَصْب

لَعَلَّ : ينصب الاسم وَ يرفع الخبر

la'alla is harf nasb, it make ism (ism la'alla) in accusative case (mansub/مَنصُوب). Then it makes khabar la'alla in nominative case (marfu'/مَرْفُوع).

لَعَلَّ is also a particle like إِنَّ , it is called sister of inna. Gramatically, it acts like inna.

The function of لَعَلَّ

لَعَلَّ is used to express a hope, expect, or wish.

la'alla means : hope, expect, wish.

The examples of لَعَلَّ

la'alla which goes into pronoun or damir (ضمير)

- هُوَ نَاجِحٌ

The meaning : He is a successful person.

When لَعَلَّ goes into this sentence, the final sentence becomes:

لَعَلَّهُ نَاجِحٌ => I hope he will succeed (I hope he will become a successful person).


- la'alla has same pattern with inna.

For examples:

أَنْتَ = إِنَّكَ = لَعَلَّكَ

هُوَ = إِنَّهُ = لَعَلَّهُ

أَنْتُمْ = إِنَّكُمْ = لَعَلَّكُمْ 

and so on.

la'alla which goes into noun

- التَّاجِرُ غَنِيٌّ 

The meaning : The merchant is rich.

When la'alla goes into this sentence, the final sentence becomes:

لَعَلَّ التَّاجِرَ غَنِيٌّ => I hope the merchant is rich.

التَّاجِرَ is ism la'alla so it is in accusative condition (mansub), whereas غَنِيٌّ is khabar la'alla so it is in nominative case (marfu').

Summary of la'alla

the rules of la'alla with sentence examples

We will continoue on the next lesson, in shaa Allah.