Possessing in Arabic with ذو | Durusul lughah book 2 - lesson 1

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We are going to continue Durusul lughah 2, chapter 1. 

The subject which will be learned is "possessing" in Arabic with ذُو

dhuu means having or possessing

Possessing in Arabic using word ذُو

Read the explanation below:

1. ذُو : is one of the asma-ul khamsah (أسماء الخمسة)

2. ذُو in English means "having" or "possessing"

3. ذُو is used for masculine noun (اسم مذكّر), singular noun (مفرد)

4. ذُو is always mudaf (مضاف), therefore the word after ذُو is always mudaf ilaih (مضاف إليه)

5. As we've learned in Durusul Lughah volume 1, mudaf ilaih's condition is majrur (مجرور). So, the word after ذُو is in majrur condition.

Sentence Examples using ذُو

Ok, let's study the examples below, read the explanation carefully.

1. ذُو مَالٍ , means "having wealth" or "possessing wealth"

This expression means "wealthy", in other word we can translate it to "rich".

I'rab (إعراب)

a. ذُو = mudaf

b. مَالٍ = mudaf ilaih, majrur, it's majrur by harakat kasrah.

Observe the picture below to read the sentence examples.

sentence examples using ذُو

1. ذُو قَامَةٍ طَوِيلَةٍ = possessing high posture. It means "tall"

So, the translation of number 1 => Our principal is tall.

2. ذُو وَرَقٍ مُسَطَّرٍ = having paper with line.

So, the translation is => This is notebook (with lined paper).

3. ذُو عِلْمٍ = possessing knowledge or well-educated.

ذُو خُلُقٍ = possessing manner or well-mannered.

So, the translation is => Ahmad is well-educated and well-mannered student.

4. ذُو كُمٍّ قَصِيرٍ = short sleeve

ذُو كُمٍّ طَوِيْلٍ = long sleeve

So, the translation is => This is short sleeve shirt and that is long sleeve shirt.

5. ذُو مَنَارَةٍ وَاحِدَةٍ = possessing one minaret

So, the translation is => The mosque that is in our neighborhood has one minaret.

Additional information about ذُو

1. ذُو is used for masculine and single noun, and "possessing word" for masculine and plural noun is ذَوُو

Example :

هَؤُلاَءِ الرِّجَالُ ذَوُو خُلُقٍ = Those men are well-mannered.

2. Feminine and singular noun => ذَاتُ 


هَذِهِ المَرْأَةُ ذَاتُ خُلُقٍ = this woman is well-mannered.

3. Feminine and plural noun => ذَوَاتُ 


هَؤُلاَءِ النِّسَاءُ ذَوَاتُ خُلُقٍ = those women are well-mannered.


To comprehend Durusul lughah lesson completely, I recommend you learn the subject below:

Lesson 1, Durusul lughah vol.2 : إنّ and لَعَلَ