Arabic Phrases about Time | وقت - with sentence examples

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Today we are going to learn some Arabic phrases that contain the word "time".

Time in Arabic is وَقْتٌ , and there are several phrases in Arabic that mention وَقْتٌ

As usual, I include the sentence examples in addition to Arabic phrases. In every example, I translate the Arabic sentence into English with a word by word translation.

arabic phrases about time with sentence examples

8 Arabic phrases that are related to time with sentence examples

1. It's time to / It's time for = حَانَ الوَقْتُ

حَانَ الوَقْتُ لَكَ لِتَعِيْشَ مُسْتَقِلاًّ = It's time for you to live independently.

arabic phrases with sentence examples about time including word by word translation

Word by word translation

a. حَانَ الوَقْتُ = it's time

b. لَكَ = for you

c. لِتَعِيْشَ contains لِ + تَعِيْشَ

c1. لِ = to

c2. تَعِيْشَ = live

The root verb for تَعِيْشَ  is  عَاشَ - يَعِيشُ

تَعِيشُ  is verb of pronoun أَنْتَ

d. مُسْتَقِلاًّ = independent; self-governed

مُسْتَقِلاًّ is fa'il of اِسْتَقَلَّ - يَسْتَقِلُّ

اِسْتَقَلَّ means be independent

حَانَ الوَقْتُ لِتَحْقِيقِ أَحْلَامِي  = It's time to make my dreams come true.

Word by word translation

a. لِتَحْقِيقِ contains لِ + تَحْقِيقِ

a1. لِ = to

a2. تَحْقِيقِ = actualization; making come true; attainment

تَحْقِيقٌ  masdar from root verb حَقَّقَ - يُحَقِّقُ

حَقَّقَ  means yield; achieve; accomplish

b. أَحْلَامِي  contains أَحْلاَمٌ + ي

b1. أَحْلاَمٌ = dreams

أَحْلاَمٌ  is plural form of حُلْمٌ

حُلْمٌ  means dream.

2. on time =  فِي المَوْعِدِ

اُحْضُرْ فِي المَوْعِدِ = arrive on time please!

Word by word translation

a. اُحْضُرْ is interrogative form/fi'il amr.

اُحْضُرْ means come; arrive.

The root verb of اُحْضُرْ is حَضَرَ - يَحْضُرُ

لِمَاذَا يَصْعُبُ عَلَيْنَا الحُضُورُ فِي المَوْعِدِ؟ = Why is it difficult for us to arrive on time?

Word by word translation

a. لِمَاذَا = why?

b. يَصْعُبُ = be difficult

يَصْعُبُ is fi'il mudari', the madi form is صَعُبَ

c. عَلَيْنَا contains عَلَى + نَا

c1. عَلَى = for

c2. نَا = us

d. الحُضُورُ = arrive; come

حُضُورٌ is masdar of root verb حَضَرَ - يَحْضُرُ

3. in time = فِي أَوَانِهِ

أَرْجُوا أَنْ يَنْتَهِيَ هَذَا العَمَلُ فِي أَوَانِهِ  = I hope that this work will be done in a timely manner.

word by word translation

a. أَرْجُوا = I hope

أَرْجُوا  is verb of pronoun أَنَا

The root verb for أَرْجُوا    is  رَجَا - يَرْجُو

b. يَنْتَهِي = finish; end; done

the root verb is اِنتَهَى - يَنْتَهِي

c. هَذَا  = this

d. العَمَلُ  = work

لَا تَحْزَنْ هَذِهِ المُشْكِلَةُ سَتَنْتَهِي فِي أَوَانِهِ  = Don't be sad, this problem will be over in time.

word by word translation

a. لَا تَحْزَنْ contains لاَ + تَحْزَنْ

a1. لاَ = don't

a2. تَحْزَنْ = sad; miserable

تَحْزَنْ is interrogative form (laa nahiyah/prohibition) for pronoun أَنْتَ

The root verb is حَزِنَ - يَحْزَنُ

b. هَذِهِ = this

c. المُشْكِلَةُ  = problem

d. سَتَنْتَهِي contains سَ + تَنْتَهِي

d1. سَ = will

d2. تَنْتَهِي = finish

تَنْتَهِي is fi'il mudari for pronoun هِيَ

The root verb of  تَنْتَهِي  is  اِنتَهَى - يَنْتَهِي

4. prematurely; before the time; before due time = قَبْلَ الْمِيعَادِ 

وَصَلْنَا اليَوْمَ قَبْلَ الْمِيعَادِ  = We arrived today before the due time.

word by word translation

a. وَصَلْنَا = arrive

وَصَلْنَا  is fi'il madi for pronoun نَحْنُ

The root verb of وَصَلْنَا  is  وَصَلَ - يَصِلُ

b. اليَوْمَ = today

رَجَعْتُ إِلِى بَيْتِي قَبْلَ الْمِيعَادِ = I went back to my home early.

word by word translation

a. رَجَعْتُ = I went

رَجَعْتُ is fi'il madi for the pronoun أَنَا

The root verb of رَجَعْتُ is رَجَعَ - يَرْجِعُ

b. إِلِى  = to

c. بَيْتِي contains بَيْتٌ + ي

c1. بَيْتٌ  = home

c2. ي = my

5. takes (amount of time) = (اسْتَغْرِقُ (وَقْتًا


الرِّحْلَةُ تَسْتَغْرِقُ سَاعَتَيْنِ بِالْحَافِلَةِ = The trip takes two hours by bus.

Word by word translation

a. الرِّحْلَةُ = trip

b. سَاعَتَيْنِ = two hours

so َتَسْتَغْرِقُ سَاعَتَيْنِ means takes two hours

c. بِالْحافِلَةِ contains بِ + حَافِلَةٌ

c1. بِ = by

c2. حَافِلَةٌ = bus

طَلَبَ العِلْمِ يَسْتَغْرِقُ وَقْتًا طَوِيلًا  = Seeking knowledge takes a long time.

Word by word translation

a. طَلَبَ = seeking

b. عِلْمٌ = knowledge

c. وَقْتٌ = time

d. طَوِيْلٌ = long

6. save time = تَوْفِيرًا لِلْوَقْتِ

تَوْفِيرًا لِلْوَقْتِ نُسَافِرُ بِالطَّائِرَةِ = In order to save time, we travel by plane.

word by word translation

a. نُسَافِرُ = we travel

نُسَافِرُ  is fi'il mudhari' for the pronoun نَحْنُ

the root verb is  سَافَرَ - يُسَافِرُ

b. بِالطَّائِرَةِ contains بِ + طَائِرَةٌ

b1. بِ = by

b2. طَائِرَةٌ  = plane

تَوْفِيرًا لِلْوَقْتِ سَأَتَكَلَّمُ ثَلاَثَ دَقَائِقَ فَقَطْ = To save time, I will only speak for three minutes.

word by word translation

a. سَأَتَكَلَّمُ contains سَ + أَتَكَلَّمُ

a1. سَ = will

a2. أَتَكَلَّمُ = I speak

أَتَكَلَّمُ is fi'il mudari' for the pronoun أَنَا

the root verb is تَكَلَّمَ - يَتَكَلَّمُ

b. ثَلاَثَ دَقَائِقَ = three minutes

دَقَائِقَ  is plural form. The singular form is دَقِيْقَةٌ

c. فَقَطْ = only

7. another time / others time = فِي وَقْتٍ آخَرِ

سَأَزُورُكَ فِي وَقْتٍ آخَرِ = I will visit you at another time.

word by word translation

a. سَأَزُورُكَ  contains سَ + أَزُورُ + كَ

a1. سَ = will

a2. أَزُورُ = I visit

أَزُورُ  is fi'il mudari' for the pronoun أَنَا

the root verb is زَارَ - يَزُورُ

a3. كَ = you

أَتَمَنَّى أَنْ نَلْتَقِيَ فِي وَقْتٍ آخَرِ = I hope we can meet at another time.

word by word translation

a. أَتَمَنَّى  = I hope

أَتَمَنَّى  is fi'il mudari' for the pronoun أَنَا

the root verb is تَمَنَّى - يَتَمَنَّى

b. نَلْتَقِي = we meet

نَلْتَقِي  is fi'il mudari' for the pronoun نَحْنُ

the root verb is اِلْتَقَى - يَلْتَقِي

8. day by day; gradually over many times = مِنْ وَقْتٍ لِآخَرَ

هِيَ تَزْدَادُ جَمَالًا مِنْ وَقْتٍ لِآخَرَ = She is getting prettier day by day.

word by word translation

a. هِيَ = she

b. تَزْدَادُ = increase; grow

تَزْدَادُ  is fi'il mudari for the pronoun هِيَ

the root verb is اِزْدَادَ - يَزْدَادُ

c. جَمَالًا  = beautiful

جَمَالًا    is masdar of the verb جَمُلَ - يَجْمُلُ

أَتَمَنَّى أنْ يَتَحَسَّنَ  الظَّرْفُ مِنْ وَقْتٍ لِآخَرَ  = I hope the condition is getting better gradually.

word by word translation

a. أَتَمَنَّى = I hope

See above for the explanation.

b. يَتَحَسَّنُ  = become better

يَتَحَسَّنَ  is fi'il madhi mansub.

the root verb is تَحَسَّنَ - يَتَحَسَّنُ

c. الظَّرْفُ  = condition


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