Asking permission or making request in Arabic with sentence examples

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We've already known the expression to ask a permission in English.

The sample expressions are :

- Could I work with you ?

- Would you mind bring me that book?

- Would you like to have dinner with us?

- Can I come in?

- May I read your book?

- Are the students allowed to eat in the class?

- Will you allow me to go to the party?

- etc.

arabic expression for making request

Today, I will show you the expressions like I've written above in Arabic.

Arabic expression for requesting something or asking permission

Before showing you the expressions, I will explain the Arabic word for "allow" or "permit" to you.

Verb سَمَحَ - يَسْمَحُ (samaḥa - yasmaḥu)

فعل المعلوم (fi'l al-ma'luum) / Active Verb 

1. فِعل الماضي (past tense) : سَمَحَ

سَمَحَ means : allowed; let ; permitted

Usually, this verb is followed by حرف الجرّ (harf jar) -> لِ  or بِ

So, سَمَحَ لِ (samaḥa li) means : allow or permit someone to do something; let something to be done; let someone have something; authorize to

2. فعل المضارع (present/future tense) : يَسْمَحُ

يَسْمَحُ means : allow; let; permit

Imperative verb

فعل الأمر (imperative mood) : اِسْمَحْ

فعل المجهول (fi'l al-majhuul) / passive verb

1. passive past tense for سَمَحَ is : سُمِحَ (sumiḥa)

سُمِحَ means (be) allowed ; (be) permitted

2. passive present tense for يَسْمَحُ is : يُسْمَحُ (yusmaḥu)

يُسْمَحُ  means (be) allowed ; (be) permitted

The syntax for asking permission in Arabic using يُسْمَحُ 

هَلْ يُسْمَحُ لِ

making request in arabic using hal yusmah

Verb أمْكَنَ - يُمْكِنُ (amkana - yumkinu) 

I explain this verb with the same step as above to you.

1. أمْكَنَ - يُمْكِنُ  means may; can; be easy for; possible; be feasible for

2. Imperative mood : أَمْكِنْ (amkin)

3. Passive verb : أُمْكِنَ - يُمْكَنُ (amkana - yumkanu)

The syntax for asking permission in Arabic using يُمْكِنُ

هَلْ يُمْكِنُ أَنْ

making request using hal yumkinu

Arabic sentence examples for asking permission (making request)

I will show you the expressions using both verbs يسمح  and يمكن

1. Could I visit you? or Am I allowed to visit you?
These sentences in Arabic : هَلْ يُسْمَحُ لِيْ أَنْ أَزُورَكَ ؟

2. Could we learn al-Quran from you? or Would you mind teaching us al-Quran?
Arabic : هَلْ يُسْمَحُ لَنَا أَنْ نَتَعَلَّمَ القُرْآنَ مِنْكَ ؟

3. May I borrow this book?
In Arabic : هَلْ يُسْمَحُ لِيْ أَنْ أَسْتَعِيرَ هَذَا الْكِتَابَ ؟

4. Can the children consume this medicine? or Is it allowed for the children to consume this medicine?
In Arabic : هَلْ يُسْمَحُ لِلأَطْفَالِ أَنْ يَتَنَاوَلُوا هَذَا الدَّوَاءَ

5. Is it possible for us to visit your office? or May we visit your office?
In Arabic : هَلْ يُمْكِنُ أَنْ نَزُورَ مَرْكَزَكَ ؟

6. May we travel today?  or Is it possible for us to travel today?
In Arabic : هَلْ يُمْكِنُ أَنْ نُسَافِرَ اليَومَ ؟

7. Could you help me with this work?
In Arabic : هَلْ يُمْكِنُ أَنْ تُسَاعِدَنِيْ فِي هَذَا العَمَلِ ؟

8. Can you show the way to the hotel? or Could you tell me the way to the hotel?
In Arabic : هَلْ يُمْكِنُ أَنْ تَدُلَّنِيْ عَلَى طَرِيْقِ الفُنْدُقِ ؟


We can use both of the verb (يُمْكِنُ and يُسْمَحُ ) to make request or ask permission.

Now, you have already known the Arabic expression for asking permission or making the request. Then try to make Arabic sentences using both of the verbs that I've mentioned above.