Short Story about Family in Arabic with English translation

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Below is short story about Fatima's family, their activities in the morning at their house.

I told short story in Arabic with English translation.

This is an explanation (more detail explanation) about words, such as their conjugation, rules, etc.

short story in arabic with english translation about family

1. اِسْمٌ  means name.
my name = اِسْمِيْ

2. بَيْتٌ = house
my house = بَيْتِيْ

3. أُسْرَةٌ  = family
my family in arabic = أُسْرَتِيْ

4. أُمٌّ in English = mother
my mother in Arabic = أُمِّيْ

5. تَكْتُبُ = she writes

Basic verb form for write = كَتَبَ - يَكْتُبُ

6. تَشْرَبُ  = she drinks

Basic verb form for drink = شَرِبَ - يَشْرَبُ

7. قَهْوَةٌ  = coffee

8. يَشْرَبُ  = he drinks

Basic verb form for drink = شَرِبَ - يَشْرَبُ

9. شَايٌ = tea

10. يَقْرَأُ  = he reads

Basic verb form for read = قَرَأَ - يَقْرَأُ

11. كِتَابٌ  = book