Run in Arabic: A Comprehensive Guide to the Verb جَرَى & Sentence Examples

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Arabic Verb "Run"

After studying verb "walking" in Arabic, now we are going to learn "run" in Arabic.

In Arabic, the verb for "run" is جَرَى (jaraa).

Besides "run", جَرَى can also mean "flow", "pass", "take place", etc.


how do you say run in arabic?



Past Form (sighah fi'l madi) of "run" in Arabic

As with most verbs in Arabic, the verb جَرَى is closely related to the time and the pronoun.

جَرَى is الفعل الماضي or past, and for pronoun هُوَ (third person, singular, masculine).


Present Form (sighah fi'l mudari') of "run" in Arabic

The present in Arabic is called الفعل المضارع. The present form of  جَرَى is يَجْرِي . يَجْرِي is also for pronoun هُوَ.


The content of this lesson and the goal

In this article, we will explore the verb جَرَى in detail, covering its different forms and providing sentence examples.

The goal of this article: You are able to answer the following question:

1. How do you say "run" in Arabic?

2. What is the present form (al-mudari') of  جَرَى?

3. What is the imperative form (fi'l amr) of جَرَى?

4. How do you conjugate جَرَى?

5. How do you conjugate يَجْرِي?

6. How do you conjugate اِجْرِ?

7. What is the fa'il (فاعل) of جَرَى?

8. What is the masdar (مصدر) of جَرَى?

The verb "run" in Arabic and the complete conjugation

- al-madi = جَرَى

- al-mudari' = يَجْرِي

- (مَصْدَرٌ) al-masdar = جَرْيٌ, جَرَيَانٌ

جَرْيٌ/جَرَيَانٌ means "running"


مَصْدَرٌ in English means "source". It refers to the base form of a verb, which is often used as a noun and serves as the source of various derived forms of the verb.

- الفَاعِلٌ (al-faa'il)  =  جَارٍ

جَارٍ means "runner"


الفَاعِلٌ in English means "doer" or "subject of the verb".  It refers to a person or entity that performs an action.

verb run conjugation in Arabic

Now, we are going to learn al-fi'l al-madi conjugation related to the pronouns.

الماضي (tasrif fi'l madi/fi'l madi conjugation)

 هو جَرَى
هما جَرَيَا
 هم جَرَوْا
 هي جَرَتْ
هما جَرَتَا
هنّ جَرَيْنَ
 أنتَ جَرَيْتَ
أنتما جَرَيْتُمَا
أنتم جَرَيْتُم
أنتِ جَرَيْتِ
أنتما جَرَيْتُمَا
أنتنّ جَرَيْتُنَّ
أنا جَرَيْتُ
نحن جَرَيْنَا

المضارع (tasrif fi'l mudari'/fi'l mudari' conjugation)

هو يَجْرِي
هما يَجْرِيَانِ
هم يَجْرُونَ
هي تَجْرِي
هما تَجْرِيَانِ
هنّ يَجْرِينَ
أنتَ تَجْرِي
أنتما تَجْرِيَانِ
أنتم تَجْرُونَ
أنتِ تَجْرِينَ
أنتما تَجْرِيَانِ
أنتنّ تَجْرِينَ
أنا أَجْرِي
نحن نَجْرِي

الأمر (fi'l amr conjugation/tasrif fi'l amr)

أنت اِجْرِ
أنتِ اِجْرِي
أنتما اِجْرِيَا
 أنتما مؤ  اِجْرِيَا
أنتم اِجْرُوا
أنتنّ اِجْرِينَ

Additional concept of Arabic verb

Future tense: Add سَ (sa) before the present conjugations to express future, e.g., سَيَجْرِي (sayajri) for "He will run".

Verb "run" Conjugation Table 

arabic verb "run" conjugation table

Arabic Sentence Examples

Here are three simple sentences in Arabic that contain the word "جَرَى", which means "run":

يَجْرِي النَّهْرُ بِجَانِبِ الْمَدِينَةِ
The river flows alongside of the city.

جَرَى الطِّفْلُ فِي الحَدِيْقَةِ
The child ran in the park.

جَرَى الْمُنَاقَشَةُ بِشِدَّةٍ بَيْنَ الْمُشَارِكِينَ
The discussion took place intensely among the participants.

Below are three simple sentences in Arabic that contain the word "يَجْرِي" (yajri), which means "run":

النَّهْرُ يَجْرِي بِسُرْعَةٍ
The river flows quickly.

الوَقْتُ يَجْرِي بِسُرْعَةٍ
Time flies quickly.

الدَّمُ يَجْرِي في الْعُرُوقِ
Blood runs in the veins

Below is simple sentence in Arabic that contain the word "اِجْرِ" (ijri), which means "run" in imperative mood:

اِجْرِ بِسُرْعَةٍ
English meaning: Run quickly!

Below is sentence in Arabic that contain the masdar form "جَرْيٌ" (jaryun), which means "running":

نُحِبُّ الجَرْيُ فِي الحَدِيقَةِ
We love running in the park.


The verb for "run" in Arabic is جَرَى (jaraa).

جَرَى is a past tense verb and conjugates differently depending on the pronoun.

This article provides an in-depth look at the verb جَرَى, covering its different forms and providing sentence examples.

It also explores the present form, imperative form, fa'il form, and masdar form of جَرَى in detail.

After reading and comprehending this lesson, I hope you are able to conjugate Arabic verbs.


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