Learn the Essential Personal Information Terms in Arabic to Enhance Your Vocabulary

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personal information vocabulary in arabic


Knowing the most common personal information vocabulary is important, why?

If you are living in middle east countries or another Arabic-speaking country, you have to understand the essential personal information words in Arabic. It should also be understood if you plan to live there, either for work or study.

In daily life, being able to ask for and provide personal information such as name, mobile number, email address, and so on is very crucial.

I give you some examples. You've to fill out bank account registration form, school registration form, etc.

In summary, knowing these words is important.


Tips to memorize new vocabulary

Don't worry, the most common personal information words in Arabic are easy to memorize.

I will share my experience with you about memorizing the new words. I usually use a tool to make memorizing easier. I create and use flashcards. It means I write Arabic word on one side and English translation on the other.


using flashcard to memorize arabic vocabulary

One more secret from me, repetition and practice will solidify your memory and understanding.

After knowing that personal information vocabulary is essential to communicate effectively in daily life, we will go through the most commonly used words for personal information in Arabic.

Personal Information Words in Arabic with English Meaning


 اسْمٌ : name

اِسْمُ الأَوَّلِ : first name

اِسْمُ العَائِلَةِ : surname (last name)

عُنْوَانٌ : address

شَارِعٌ : street

رَقْمُ الْبَيْتِ : home number

رَقْمُ الشَّقَّةِ : apartment number

مَدِيْنَةٌ : city

وِلَايَةٌ : state/province

رَمْزُ الْبَرِيدِيِّ : ZIP code (postal code)

مِنْطَقَةٌ : area

رَقْمُ الهَاتِفِ : phone number

رَقْمُ الْهَاتِفِ الْجَوَّالِ : mobile number

عُنْوَانُ اَلْبَرِيدِ اَلْإِلِكْتِرُونِيِّ : email address

تَارِيخُ اَلْمِيلَادِ : date of birth

مَكَانُ الْمِيلَادِ : place of birth

جِنْسٌ : gender/sex

ذَكَرٌ : male

أُنْثَى : female

جِنْسِيَّةٌ : nationality

وَظِيفَةٌ : work/employ/job

مِهْنَةٌ : occupation/profession

هِوَايَاتٌ : hobbies => singular هِوَايَةٌ : hobby

تَوْقِيعٌ : signature

رَقْمُ الْهُوِيَّةِ الشَّخْصِيَّةِ : personal identification number

رَقْمُ الضَّرِيبِيِّ : tax number

The related phrase/words

مَلَأَ - يَمْلَأُ - اِمْلَأْ = fill; fill out

اِسْتِمَارَةٌ = form

كَتَبَ - يَكْتُبُ - اُكْتُبْ = write

مَعْلُومَاتٌ شَخْصِيَّةٌ = personal information

اسْتِمَارَةُ تَسْجِيلٍ بِالْمَدْرَسَةِ = school registration form

Sentence Examples that are related to personal information in Arabic with English meaning

امْلَأْ الِاسْتِمَارَةَ = fill out the form

مَلَأَ اسْتِمَارَةَ الْمَعْلُومَاتِ = He filled out the information form

What's your mother's name?
مَا اسْمُ أُمِّكَ؟

What is your apartment number?
مَا رَقْمُ شَقَّتِكَ؟  

What is your hobby?
مَا هِوَايَاتُكَ؟

My hobby are reading and writing
هِوَايَاتِي قِرَاءَةٌ وَكِتَابَةٌ

What is your occupation? =  مَا مِهْنَتُكَ؟

My profession is a merchant.
أَنَا تَاجِرٌ

Write your name.
اُكْتُبْ اسْمَكَ


Quiz: Test Your Memory for Personal Information Words in Arabic

personal information in arabic quiz