Arabic Vocabulary: Education Related Words | Singular and Plural

Brothers and Sisters, have you studied the previous lesson, Education vocabulary in Arabic? How about the quiz? Have you successfully completed the quiz? If your score was 100, then let's continue on the next step.

We are going to learn plural form of the education related words. 



اِعْتِمَادٌ means accreditation.
Plural form of  اِعْتِمَادٌ is اِعْتِمَادَاتٌ

إِدَارَةٌ means administration
The plural form of إِدَارَةٌ is إِدَارَاتٌ

فَصْلٌ means class; chapter
The plural form of فَصْلٌ  is فُصُولٌ

مُقَابَلَةٌ means interview
Plural form of مُقَابَلَةٌ is  مُقَابَلَاتٌ

نَمُوذَجٌ means module
Plural form of نَمُوذَجٌ is نَمَاذِجُ

دَرْسٌ means lesson
The plural form of دَرْسٌ is دُرُوسٌ

مُدَرِّسٌ means teacher
Plural form of مُدَرِّسٌ is مُدَرِّسُونَ

تِلْمِيذٌ means student
Plural form of تِلْمِيذٌ is تَلاَمِيذُ

طَالِبٌ means student
Plural form of طَالِبٌ is طُلاَّبٌ

مَدْرَسَةٌ  means school
Plural form of مَدْرَسَةٌ  is مَدَارِسُ

بَحْثٌ means research
Plural forms of بَحْثٌ are بُحُوثٌ and  أَبْحَاثٌ

عِلْمٌ means science; knowledge
The plural form of عِلْمٌ  is  عُلُومٌ

مَهَارَةٌ means skill
The plural form of مَهَارَةٌ is مَهَارَاتٌ

نِظَامٌ means system
Plural forms of نِظَامٌ are نُظُمٌ and أَنْظِمَةٌ

نَظَرِيَّة means theory
Plural form of نَظَرِيَّة  is نَظَرِيَّاتٌ

 تَدْرِيبٌ means training
Plural form of تَدْرِيبٌ  is تَدْرِيبَاتٌ

جَامِعَةٌ means university
Plural forms of جَامِعَةٌ are جَامِعَاتٌ and جَوامعُ 

The plural form of دَفْتَرٌ (notebook) is دَفَاتِرُ

The plural form of كِتَابٌ (book) is كُتُبٌ

Have you memorized the words? Now, it's quiz time. Complete the following quiz to test your memory.

Arabic vocabulary singular and plural form Quiz