Possessive pronouns in Arabic & English

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We've already known pronouns in Arabic, they are ضَمِيْرٌ  مُتَّصِلٌ  (attached pronoun) and ضَمِيْرٌ  مُنْفَصِلٌ  (unattached pronoun).

This tutorial will focus on the attached pronoun (damiir muttasil).

arabic possessive form - ضمائر الملكية

Functions of an attached pronoun

The attached pronoun can be used for:

1. إِضَافِيٌّ 

idaafiyyun ( إِضَافِيٌّ  )  means possessive. Therefore attached pronoun is used for a possessive pronoun or possessive determiner.


قَلَمُهُ (qalamuhu) , means his pen.

2. مَفْعُوْلِيٌّ

maf'uuliyyun ( مَفْعُوْلِيٌّ )  means the pronoun is used for referring the object.


نَصَرْتُهُ  (nasratuhu), means I helped him.

Attached pronouns vs Unattached pronoun

Observe the complete table below to understand the unattached pronoun especially the possessive pronoun.

possessive pronouns in arabic - english


See the examples below. 

قَلَمِيْ  = my pen

قَلَمُنَا = our pen

قَلَمُكَ = your pen {singular male}

قَلَمُكُمَا = your pen {dual}

قَلَمُكُمْ = your pen {plural male}

قَلَمُكِ = your pen {singular female}

قَلَمُكُنَّ = your pen {plural female}

قَلَمُهُ = his pen

قَلَمُهُمْ = their pen {plural male}

قَلَمُهُمَا = their pen {dual}

قَلَمُهَا = her pen

قَلَمُهُنَّ = their pen {plural female}

After reading the examples, I hope you can practice them and make the simple sentence that contains the possessive form.


Write these sentences in Arabic!

1. Her car is beautiful.

2. His house is big.

3. Our teacher is smart.

4. My brother is diligent. 

5. Their father is rich.


1. سَيَّارَتُهَا جَمِيْلَةٌ

2. بَيْتُهُ كَبِيْرٌ

3. مُدَرِّسُنَا ذَكِيٌّ

4. أَخِيْ مُجْتَهِدٌ

5. أَبُوهُمْ غَنِيٌّ