Explanation and example of itu - that or those

In the previous lesson, you have learned whatis ini and how do you use ini in a sentence.

Now, you will get an understanding of the theory of itu, and the sample of the using of itu in a positive sentence, negative sentence, and interrogative sentence.

The theory of itu

As you have known that:

1. You use that for singular object.

2. You use those for plural object.

That and those are used for pointing the object that are far from the speaker.

In Bahasa Indonesia, you can use the word itu.

Itu in Bahasa Indonesia is called kata tunjuk.

Itu is used for singular and plural object.

See the picture of the basic theory of itu.

New vocabularies (Indonesian to English)

kosakata = vocabulary

ayah = father

bapak = father

ibu = mother

bunda = mother

paman = uncle

om = uncle

tante = aunt

bibi = aunt

teman = friend

kawan = friend

my = milik saya

your = milik kamu

itu = that

itu = those

bukan = not

tidak = not

new vocabulary family in Bahasa indonesia

Itu in the sentence examples

 Itu bapak saya = That is my father.

Itu ibu saya = That is my mother.

Itu paman saya = That is my uncle.

Itu tante saya = That is my aunt.

Itu teman saya = That is my friend.

Itu teman-teman saya = Those are my friends.

Itu bukan teman saya = That is not my friend.

Apakah itu ayah kamu? = Is that your father?

Please see the itu in a sentence sample infographic below:

example of itu in a sentence

Thank you for reading itu in sentence samples, please read and watch other indonesian language lessons for beginners here.