Preposition in Arabic - Durusul lughah vol 1 lesson 4

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This is a lesson 4 section 1. The subject is harf jar or preposition.

Perhaps you need to recap the previous lessons, so learn them here:

Lesson 1 - demonstrative pronoun

Lesson 2 - demonstrative pronoun (ذَالِكَ )

Lesson 3 - definite & indefinite noun

Let's continue to learn lesson 4. 

See the image below.

durus al-lughah vol 1 lesson 4 - harf jar

This lesson shows you the rule of preposition.

In Arabic this preposition is called حَرْفُ جَرٍّ (harf jar).

From the image we can see the examples of preposition :

1. فِي  = in

2. عَلَى  = on

The rule is :

When a noun is preceded by harf jar (preposition), it is said to be in genitive case.

Genitive case in Arabic is called مَجْرُوْرٌ

Practice the rule

1. noun = البَيْتُ

This noun is in nominative case or مَرْفُوْعٌ => ending vowel sign is u (dummah)

Now, if you want to say "in the house" , you must precede a correct preposition (harf jar), namely فِي

Then the ending of the vowel must be changed to kasrah (genitive case) =>  فِي البَيْتِ

2. noun = الْمَسْجِدُ

in the mosque = فِي الْمَسْجِدِ

3. Desk = الْمَكْتَبُ

On the desk = عَلَى الْمَكْتَبِ

4. bed = السَّرِيْرُ

On the bed =  عَلَى السَّرِيْرِ

In the image, you can learn new arabic vocabulary. Let me translate them for you.

New vocabulary

1. أَيْنَ  = where

2. سَاعَةٌ = watch

3. غُرْفَةٌ  = room

4. حَمَّامٌ  = toilet

5. مَطْبَخٌ  = kitchen

Sentence examples

Where is Muhammad? = أَيْنَ مُحَمَّدٌ؟
He is in the room = هُوَ فِي الغُرْفَةِ

Where is the book? = أَيْنَ الكِتَابُ؟
It is on the desk = هُوَ عَلَى الْمَكْتَبِ

Book uses pronoun هُوَ  because الكِتَابُ is masculine noun.

Is Amina in the room? = أَآمِنَةُ فِي الغُرْفَةِ ؟
No, she is in the kitchen = لَا, هِيَ فِي الْمَطْبَجِ


You can learn durusul lughatul arabiyyah english at another article in this blog.

Thank you for reading, I will make a simple note from the lesson in the next article.