Learn New Arabic Words from the story: Traffic Light

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Learn New Arabic Words from the story: Traffic Light


Short story about traffic light in Arabic with English meaning

إِشَارَةُ المُرُورِ
Traffic light

فِي الشَّارِعِ تُوجَدُ إِشَارَةُ المُرُورِ
There is a traffic light on the street.

لَهَا ثَلاَثَةُ أَلْوَانٍ: الأَخْضَرُ يَعْنِي سِرْ, وَالأَصْفَرُ يَعْنِي تَمَهَّلْ, وَالأَحْمَرُ يَعْنِي قِفْ
It has three colors: green means move forward, yellow means slow down, and red means stop.

أَنَا أَحْتَرِمُ إِشَارَةَ المُرُورِ
I obey the traffic light.

learn mufradat from short story

Arabic Vocabulary

Words that we learn from the story:

إِشَارَةُ المُرُورِ : Traffic light

شَارِعٌ : street

تُوجَدُ : available; there is/are
تُوجَدُ is fi'l mudari' majhul (passive voice) of 3rd person feminine singular (هِيَ).
The basic form is وَجَدَ - يَجِدُ

ثَلَاثَةٌ: three

أَلْوَانٌ : colors
أَلْوَانٌ is plural, the singular form of أَلْوَانٌ is لَوْنٌ.

أَخْضَرُ : green

أَصْفَرُ : yellow

أَحْمَرُ : red

يَعْنِي: that is; that is to say; mean; namely

سِرْ  : walk; work; run; move forward.
سِرْ is fi'l amr (imperative mood, command that address to 2nd person masculine singular).
The basic form of سِرْ is  سَارَ - يَسِيرُ

تَمَهَّلْ : act slowly; slow down.
تَمَهَّلْ is fi'l amr (imperative mood, command that address to 2nd person masculine singular).
The basic form of تَمَهَّلْ is تَمَهَّلَ - يَتَمَهَّلُ

قِفْ: stop; stand.
قِفْ is fi'l amr (imperative mood, command that address to 2nd person masculine singular).
The basic form of قِفْ is وَقَفَ - يَقِفُ

اِحْتَرَمَ - يَحْتَرِمُ : comply with; follow; respect

Arabic Lesson

Lessons that we've learned from the story:

1. Active voice and passive voice in Arabic.

Active voice in Arabic is called فعل معلوم, whereas the passive in Arabic is called فعل مجهول.

Fi'l madi ma'lum, example: كَتَبَ
كَتَبَ دَرْسًا (He wrote a lesson).

Fi'l madi majhul, example: كُتِبَ
كُتِبَ دَرْسٌ (A lesson was written).

Fi'l mudari' ma'lum, example: يَكْتُبُ
يَكْتُبُ دَرْسًا (He writes a lesson).

Fi'l mudari majzum, example: يُكْتَبُ
يُكْتَبُ دَرْسٌ (A lesson is written).

In this story, we found the fi'l majhul, it is تُوجَدُ which means it's found, it's available, or there is ...

Fi'il mudari' majhul of 3rd person feminine singular : تُوجَدُ
Fi'l mudari' ma'lum of 3rd person feminine singular : تَجِدُ

2. Fi'l amr form

We found fi'l amr in this story:

سِرْ, قِفْ, and تَمَهَّلْ

The basic forms of fi'l madi, fi'l mudari, and fi'l amr are respectively:

a. فَعَلَ - يَفْعَلُ - اِفْعَلْ

b. فَعَلَ - يَفْعِلُ - اِفْعِلْ

c. فَعَلَ - يَفْعُلُ - اُفْعُلْ