Enhance Your Vocabulary | Arabic Words That Are Related To Finance

Today, we learn financial terms in Arabic.

List of Arabic words for finance

بَنْكٌ = bank 

مَصْرِفٌ = bank

البَنْكُ الدُّوَلِيُّ = the world bank

ثَرِيٌّ = wealthy; rich

اِسْتِثْمَارٌ = investment

مُثْمِرٌ = profitable

مُسْتَثْمِرٌ = investor

حَسْبٌ = reckoning; counting

حَسَبٌ = value; rate

حِسْبَةٌ = calculation; account

مُدَقِّقُ الحِسَابَاتِ = auditor

مُقَدَّمٌ تَحْتَ الحِسَابِ = deposit

رَقْمُ حِسَابٍ = account number

مُحَاسَبَةٌ = accounting

اِحْتِسَابٌ = calculation; valuation

حَاسِبٌ = calculator

مُحَاسِبٌ = accountant

المُحَاسَبَةُ = accountancy

حَصِيلَةٌ = result; outcome

حَصَّالَةٌ = moneybox

إِحْصَاءٌ = statistics

إِحْصَائِيٌّ = statistician

حَافِزٌ = incentive

المَكْسَبُ وَالخَسَارَةُ =  profit and loss

خَصْخَصَةٌ = privatisation

تَحْلِيلُ الخَطَرِ = risk analysis

إِدَارَةُ المَخَاطِرِ = risk management

خَفْضُ الإِنْفَاقِ = spending cuts

تَخْمِينٌ = appraisal

مُخَمِّنٌ = appraiser

دَخْلٌ مُنْخَفِضٌ = low income

دَعْمٌ = support; subsidy

دَفْعَةٌ مُقَدَّمَةٌ = down payment

دَافِعٌ = incentive

مَدْفُوعٌ = paid

دَيْنٌ = debt

دَائِنٌ = creditor

رَخِيصٌ = low-priced; cheap

رَصِيْدٌ = balance; stock

سِعرٌ = price; rate

سِعْرُ الفَئِدَةِ = interest rate

سِمْسَارٌ = broker

سَهْمٌ = share; stock

مُسَاهِمٌ = shareholder

صَرَّافٌ = money changer

صَرَّافٌ آلِيٌّ = automatic teller machine (ATM)

تَضَخُّمٌ = inflation

مُعَدَّلُ التَّضَخُّمِ =  inflation rate

ضَرِيبَةٌ = tax

غَالٍ = expensive

مُفْلِسٌ = bankrupt

قَرْضٌ = loan

اِقْتِصَادٌ = economy

اِقْتِصَادِيٌّ = economist

كَسَادٌ = recession

مَالِيٌّ = financial

مُسَاعَدَةٌ مَالِيَّةٌ = financial aid

وَزِيْرُ المَالِيَّةِ = finance minister

تَمْوِيْلٌ = finance; funding

نَقْدٌ = cash; money

وَدِيْعَةٌ = deposit

مِيزَانِيَّةٌ = budget

تَوفيرٌ = saving

حِسَابُ تَوفِيرٍ = saving account

That's all for today, I hope I can add more financial terms in Arabic and English in the next article.