mim sukun when followed by hamzat al-wasl | Durusul lughah book 2 - lesson 7

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Today, we are going to learn how to write and read when sukoon letters is followed by hamzat al-wasl (ex: definite article الْ).

In this case, we are studying the rules of letter with no vowel (harf sukoon/sukoon letter) when followed by hamzat al-wasl.

Observe the picture below. 


sukoon letters followed by definite article ال rules


no vowel letter (sukoon) followed by hamzat al-wasl rules

Let's start discussing one by one, start from number one.

The rules when mim sukun followed by vowel letter (letter with harakat)



mim sukoon followed by vowel letters rules

أَقَرَأْتُمْ هَذَا الْكِتَابَ؟ = Did you read this book?

Look at the sentence carefully.

mim sukoon is followed by letter ha (ه), this letter is vowel letter because it has harakat fat-hah "a".

If this happens, mim is still sukoon (مْ).


mim sukun followed by definite article

أَرَأَيْتُمْ حَامِدًا؟ = Did you see Hamid?

مْ is followed by حَ (vowel letter), therefore mim is still sukun (مْ)

mim sukun followed by letter with harakat

أَلَكُمْ هَذَا البَيْتُ؟ = Do you own this house?

مْ is followed by هَ (vowel letter), therefore letter mim remains sukun (مْ)

The rules when mim sukoon followed by hamzat al-wasl


mim sukoon followed by الْ


Observe the picture above. 

There is a damir muttasil for mukhatab mudhakkar jam'un (2nd person, masculine, plural), that is تُمْ 

It is مْ (mim sukoon) that is followed by hamzatul wasl. 

The example of hamzat al-wasl is definite article الْ.

The rule when mim sukoon followed by hamzatul wasl is => the harakat mim becomes dammah "u" , that is مُ

Finally, it becomes أَقَرَأْتُمُ الْقُرْآنَ (a-qara'tumu al-qur-ana?) => Did you read the Quran?

mim sukoon meets الْ

one of the example of hamzat al-wasl is definite article. 

definite article = الْ , letter ا is silent (not read).

مْ (mim sukuun) is followed by لْ (lam sukuun), so we have to change the harakat of letter mim to dammah, therefore it becomes مُ (mu).

Finally, we write the sentence => أَرَأَيْتُمُ الْمُدَرِّسَ؟ (a-raitumu al-mudarrisa?) => Did you see the teacher?

when مْ followed by الْ

مْ (mim sukoon) followed by الْ , mim sukoon become مُ (mu).

أَلَكُمُ الْبَيْتُ؟ (a-lakumul baitu?) => Do you own the house? 

The lettters other than mim which is sukoon followed by vowel letters

letters other than mim followed by vowel letter

Letter ta sukoon  (تْ) is followed by آ (vowel letter), letter ta doesn't change (remains in sukoon).

خَرَجَتْ آمِنَةُ (kharajat aminatu) => Aminah went out.

letter other than mim followed by harakat letter

letter nun sukuun (نْ) is followed by vowel letter ha (هَ), letter nun remains sukuun.

مَنْ هَذَا الْوَلَدُ؟ (man hadha al-waladu?) => Who is this boy?

The lettters other than mim which is sukoon followed by hamzatul wasl

letters other than mim sukun followed by hamzatul wasl

تْ (ta sukoon) is followed by definite article الْ , so the harakat of letter ta becomes kasrah "i".

 خَرَجَتِ الْبِنْتُ (kharajati al-bintu/kharajatil bintu) => The girl went out.

letters other than mim which is sukoon followed by hamzat al-wasl

nun sukoon (نْ) is followed by definite article الْ , so the harakat of letter nun becomes kasrah "i".

مَنِ الْوَلَدُ؟ (manil waladu?) => Who is the boy?


sukoon letters followed by silent letter rules

1. The letter which is sukoon, when it is followed by vowel letter, it remains sukoon.

2. mim sukoon (مْ), when it is followed by hamzat al-wasl, the harakat of letter mim becomes dammah "u" (مُ)

3. letters other than mim which is sukoon, when it is followed by hamzat al-wasl, the harakat of the letters become kasrah "i"